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Wasp shortage?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ghost Rider, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. funnily enough was thinking I hadn't seen any at all this summer, but quite a few have appeared in the last few days, kev
  2. Got a nice nest in my loft if anybody wants one.

    going to smoke it out with a can of something I found in the shed (not from Newport) at the weekend.
  3. Most of them are in my dogs stomach, spends his whole day jumping around the garden catching any flying insect. God he's weird.
  4. One of my cats is catching and eating moths............eleven this evening........

    But she won't touch the wasps........must learn early on, I reckon.
  5. Loads of the little buggers around here... Bloody annoying !
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  6. All well and good - but NOWHERE in that article does it actually tell you how to protect yourself from wasps !
  7. Just found and done the fourth nest in what, two weeks.......have run right out of Cymag, so this one got done with red can RAID at the entrance hole which gave me just long enough to get a plastic tube and a funnel in the hole and then poured damp proof course injection liquid down it............about half a pint...........

    That's done for the buggers.....

    I don't know where the so called expert has identified a shortage of wasps..........to start off with how can you have a shortage of something you don't actually want.
  8. I don't know,whatever happened to 'live and let live', love the animals.

    Mr Attenborough would not approve you know!
  9. I saw a interesting programme re bees and other pollinating species.
    in general the numbers are massive percentages down.
    some blame the latest pesticides in combination with poor summers.
    very interesting what dramatic effect it would have on our food chain if the fall in numbers continue. ..
  10. My mate is a gardener, and he says he has never seen so many wasps nest as this year.

    We came back off holiday to find two in our roof.

    A bloke is coming tomorrow to despatch the fuckers.
  11. There are two at my folks. Their house is made of wood, and the wasps are eating it. The magic, wasp nest-destroying foam is about as magic as a Phil Daniels number. You cover the nest in foam at night when the wasps are asleep, and in the morning they just carry on as if nothing has happened.
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  12. RAID.......in the black can.................or just squirt paraffin on the nest..........no need to torch it..........and its safer than Cymag (cyanide, basically).
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  13. are you using this?

    View attachment 18609
  14. When I was a young lad (obviously, many, many years ago), I used to go looking for wasps nests in the ground, smoke them out with DDT smoke cones (then available from my local fishing tackle shop!), dig them up and then use the nest cake and grubs for bait. Caught some huge chub on the middle Severn. I also caught a lot of wasp stings, and on more than one occasion, got chased by an angry swarm, and jumped into nearby river/pond to escape, cartoon style. Happy memories!
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