That's a 42% and 25% rise respectively. In a few hours. Have you told them that clearly they can't be trusted?
Fkin' £1200 now Took the Duc for it's mot today - sailed through - then the clutch broke on the way home:frown: Just cost me a hundred nicker to get the bike home. Give me 2 grand and it's yours
If you contacted them via email, set up a filter to drop their emails straight to trash. Once they have your details, they won't let you go :tongue:
Better still, use a spam email address. I have one for this exact purpose (a gmail one is good). Then you just never open it, or set it up in you email client. If you have to click on a link or something, you log on to it exclusively for this.
Not had a thing so far. I emailed them straight away to delete my details, and I'm pretty sure I made my feelings felt well enough on the phone...