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Week Full Of Death

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by higgy748, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. H
    Hit a badger with a car a while ago. Have tried to avoid riding after dark since then.
    Hitting one of those with a bike doesn't bear thinking about...
  2. Years ago late at night I accidently ran over a raccoon with my Z1, I can still see him laying there in the road with all four feet up in the air.
  3. Yep, that's really unlucky........ It means 2 more to go, before the cycle ends :worried:
  4. Perhaps he was playing possum.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  5. you should have given it a headbut like Iannone did to the seagull at Phillip Island last year! :smilingimp:
  6. Last night was behind a really nice classic mg c he hit a badger at high speed I couldn't avoid it either ..the bone crunching noise will live with me for ages ..sadface
  7. Been there. I took a pigeon to the face last summer, was like a punch in the face, almost took me off the bike. Thankfully my helmet survived unscathed.
  8. I took a chicken to the face , kfc , bloody lovely.
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  9. Bloody wildlife. I hit a deer a few weeks ago :(
  10. Ouch!
    Went over a rabbit one night on a GS750. It zipped out from the side of the road and stopped right in my path. The only bit of me that had time to react was my bowels.
    I've hit a couple of birds in my cars which never feels good but came zinging round a corner one night an there was an owl in the road looking straight at me. I couldn't do anything. I felt like shit after it. It's the one and only time I've seen an owl in the wild. :Sorry:
  11. I hit it before I'd even seen it. Just dashed out from a bush. Was pretty dead unfortunately. I felt bad as my kids love the bambi cartoons
  12. My mate hit a sheep many years ago. He was so mad that when he got out to check the damage to the car he slammed the door so hard he smashed the window. Turned out there was no damage to the car after all.
    • Funny Funny x 2
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  13. haha, whoops
  14. So did the deer you killed have a baby one nearby, calling out piteously and heartrendingly for its mum ...?
  15. Wildlife factoid of the week:
    Fawns have no scent. They lie hidden while the mother feeds and predators cannot find them unless they walk into them. If you find a fawn in hiding its instinct is not to flee but to freeze. Don't touch it because you will transfer your own scent onto the animal and when the mother returns she will abandon it.
  16. I hit a pheasant; it walked across the road and flew when I was very close. It's rump contacted my knee and bird droppings sprayed over me and the bike. Fortunately this was toward the end of a run, the mess was appalling.
  17. Hit a sparrow or starling or something last year. Flew out of the hedge at head height. I ducked but felt it whack across the top of my lid. Only about 30 mph but I thought it was going to take the visor off.
  18. A couple of mates have hit deer, both in Ashdown Forest. £12k of damage to a '66 Mustang and £15k of damage to a 911. You look like you have hopefully got away lightly. The Mustang didn't give a clean blow and the owner had to go "all Ray Mears", blag a knife off a local and cut it's throat as it obviously had a broken back and was suffering. The Porsche was low enough that the deer went over the top, survived and ran away.......the new roof panel was a substantial part of the repair cost though!
  19. A really deer do then?
  20. Dear Bill,
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