Weight Loss

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. upload_2014-11-21_10-11-33.jpeg no video...just a drawing.
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  2. Fair do's. 5 or 6 days a week's training is excellent. I try to do that myself but in reality its 4 or 5. Wtf is p90x? And ditto for December!
  3. Its even harder in our house....3 kids all below 13 and they eat for a pastime and put on no weight whatsoever.....

    Although I must say my mate at work just said - "any buffet's in work are also 0 calories as theyre free..." with that kind of logic you cant argue...
    #24 comfysofa, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. K'inell... I'll stick to basket weaving. Its a bit like the Spartacus/Insanity stuff. Hard going if you do it properly. And I like your mate's thought train there.
  5. Yeah - as mincy as it sounds yoga was the hardest....the first night I did it I made it to the end, just, missed the "first healthy meal" and during the night apparently there was a power cut, the next door's burglar alarm went off, and the one across the road for 2 hours and I slept through the lot....
  6. Just bought a carbon Dymag does that count ??
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  7. i'm too pissed to commeng withiyt being abusive
  8. How unlucky is that? If I was exercising 45 mins a day 5 or 6 days a week I'd expect to look like Adonis or want my money back. "Average looking in the weight dept"? Are you sure that a lot of that exercise isn't just walking to the fridge?
  9. No - did 45 mins of plyo last night. Yesterday I had a bowl of oaty/rabbit food for breakfast - mid morning cup of tea (1 sugar) tin of tomato soup for dinner, afternoon cup of tea (1 sugar) - then plyo when I got home. 8pm, chicken and veg.

    I think im just one of those unlucky ones that it doesn't effect.....I really have to work hard just to look normal...36" waist, don't look "defined" - shit isn't it....

    To add to that I think that's the thing these days....you see some celeb have a baby and then 2 weeks later they've got a pan flat belly...for me it doesn't work like that (and I think for most others as well). There is no quick fix, its hard work but for some based on their body makeup the results are better.

    I did see a documentary a year or so back when some bloke went to a university in Scotland somewhere and they said there that with a quick blood test they could see who would take to "exercise" better than others in that they knew (with the blood test) who would respond better and loose more....they had a graph and the people at the bottom were the ones that where no matter what they did the results would be minimal - they should have just put a photo of me there...
    #30 comfysofa, Nov 27, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2014
  10. I saw that prog.

    It does sound as if you have a really bad deal there.
    Sorry about that. Life just is completely unfair.

    On the plus side, you don't like in a slum in Bangladesh.
  11. "On the plus side, you don't like in a slum in Bangladesh."

    Eh - I wasn't comparing myself to anyone or anything....just saying that some people respond exercise better than others - wasn't trying to change the world....very strange reply...
  12. I know that.
    Just messing you around.

    As you get older I suppose you become more and more aware of the annoying imperfections you have. I think when you are young, you look at perfection (riches, perfect health and body, intelligence and wildly popular) and count up all the parts of you that don't measure up. Later on, you just accept that you're bound to have areas which just aren't ever going to be optimal.
    Maybe only George Clooney is optimal in all areas - But there aren't many George Clooneys in the world. And no doubt he too has his issues.
  13. Ah - sorry - didn't see the joke.....

    In defence of nature - if I really go cracker jack on being good then I do see a small amount of weight loss but its tough in a house with 3 kids that eat like horses...

    I don't mind....its just one of those things...
  14. Well hellooo:cool:
  15. Figgie ! Lol
  16. I've dumped over 3 stone now and will keep going until I'm back to my old weight .
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  17. Weight loss is 30% exercise and 70% diet apparently. Try cutting out refined sugars (that sugar in tea, that tomato soup would have had lots of sugar in it, take out pasta and bread) and keep a food diary to monitor what you're eating a bit. Writing it down will make you think about what you're eating too.

    I've had to change my eating habits to loose weight. I'd have toast for breakfast, sandwich and a packet of crisps for lunch and pasta or something from the freezer for convenience in the evening. Terrible diet when I look back at it!

    I'll now have an egg or 2 for breakfast or maybe some yoghurt and fruit. For lunch is a salad and dinner is some meat and veg/salad. No carbs after 8 at night either and not too many during the day with some nuts or cottage cheese as snacks attached 11 and 3.
  18. Agree with MrAlliT - but here's a tip... Take a look just how much sugar is in "ordinary" food items. Admittedley the UK isn't quite as bad as the USA ( yet ) but loads of things have sugar, or sugar syrup, in them these days. Classic example, tomato ketchup - most of that is sugar ! I remember a while ago someone demonstrating that a McDonalds "healthy" salad was worse for you than thier burgers because of all the fat / sugar in the mayonaise... I'm not saying that you need to become a food-nazi or get all OCD over what you eat, but a little bit of careful shopping can do a lot of good...
  19. And... no carbs in the evening is a good tip. Your body will always try to do something with the carbs you have eaten : during the day you are active, so generally just burn them off. If you top up on them later in the day the body can't burn them off as you are sleeping, so it just stores them as body fat. Next day it will revert to burning carbs, if it can, so the fat doesn't get used...
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