The dot just indicates a new post? You don't need to tap it? Is that what you mean or am I on the wrong track?
ok, I was presuming the functionality was the same as the old site. Much easier if clicking on the thread title takes you to the first new post.
When not logged in I can't go straight to the "last message" in a section but I can when logged in. - Make any sense?
Yes - because it doesn't know your last message as you were not logged in! The idea is it always knows where you are up to as long as you are logged in. Clicking the thread will then always take you straight to your last unread message.
It wasn't like that before, was it? So it means I have to always log in now to get the functionality that I got before without logging in?
Not really. The software knows exactly what post you were up to, as long as you are logged in. Before how did it know what post to go to?
How?! It knows exactly where you left off and puts you straight to your first unread post - before you were going to the last message even though you may have missed some before, surely?
Rob, I think the old software showed the posts from 'today' if you weren't logged in. So you could still see the latest posts without being logged in. It's progress @Wrecked, but not as you know it