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What’s Your Average Muslim to do?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stevie Tea, Oct 1, 2013.

  1. Yup, that's Little Black Sambo
  2. When my children (who are, of course, black like their mother) were little, and I would read stories to them and encourage them to read for themselves, I was happy to use children's books featuring black characters and role models whenever they could be found. But I must say I would draw the line at Little Black Sambo. It is interesting that in some more recent editions, the character was redrawn so as to be coloured a paler shade of brown instead of inky black - as though that made the whole publication less offensive!
  3. When I was really young growing up on the Isle of Wight, my mum was taking us down to the beach in Ryde. I saw my first black person that day, and apparently pointed at him and just kept repeating 'gollywog'... My mum says he just laughed...

    Also, who remembers the sit-com 'Love Thy Neighbour'... Would never get away with that now...

    Back to the original topic, I tend to agree that most Muslims take a back seat and don't stand up to say the atrocities that go on are wrong. Not all Muslims are bad though in my opinion. They don't seem to want to integrate with the general society, which, given some of the bigoted, racist, views of some people is no surprise...

    It was common when I went to school for the work 'Paki' to be used for almost anyone from an Asian background - Don't hear it at all nowadays so things must be improving! I just find it a bit sad that because of a few bad ‘radical’ apples (a fraction of a percentage of the total Muslims in the world), they all get tarred with the same brush...
  4. Was driving down the road in Invercargill when my 3 y.o. son (this is 19 years ago) was hanging out the back window of the car yelling "MONKEY! MONKEY!" at the Nigerian looking gentleman walking down the footpath, it was the 1st time he had seen a non white or non Polynesian person in his defence.
    #44 NZDave, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  5. The trouble with 'average' muslims is that they're very hard to spot. That's because they're just like you and me, average. They get on with their lives and let others get on in the same vein. They are just average people. Everyone here seems to have missed matt#corse's post, the fact is many muslims are very helpful to the police in capturing criminals and preventing crimes. The problem is they're too damn average to boast about it...
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  6. Can't argue with anything you've said Figgy (at least in you last post :wink:) . They are much like us secularised white folk, with the odd exception, we generally sit on our collective backsides, let off a lot of hot air pontificating about what should or should not be done but do nothing constructive. I guess what I’m trying to say with this thread is that the larger Muslim organisations should be doing something to combat the misinformation put out by the extremists and they need to do this proactively to change the growing perception amongst white Joe public that Islam is a violent religion. There is little point in white, non-Muslim politicians making this point as they have little credibility on this (due to being white and non-Muslim).

    I believe this needs to be addressed with some urgency because there is a growing backlash, in some sections of the community, that Muslims are violent and their religion is intolerant. I can’t see how this will be doing anybody any good
  7. I still have my copy of Little black sambo, I loved that book as a child, and now at the age of 60 I can still remember every word of it.

    I also had another book in the same family http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000R7LYKQ/?tag=ducatiforum-21

    I recall being incensed as a 4 year old when I was told by my mother that our local library had stopped stocking any books by Enid Blyton as there were racist connotations contained in them . Luckily we moved shortly after that episode and I was able to get my fix of the famous five books that I see; along with little black sambo, as being the key to the naturing of a lifetime love of reading.
    I certainly never ended up as a racist as a result of my early exposure to the fact that people have skins with differing colours.
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  8. It is also possible to buy a copy of Hitler's Mein Kampf, which has continued in print all these years. Quite rightly, because it needs to be studied for historical reasons and should not be banned. The fact it is in print doesn't mean its sentiments are condoned, or acceptable.
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  9. Muslim organisations are peace keeping, that's the problem. One or two dodgy muslims are wreaking havoc, but the vast, vast majority of muslims - including the organisations - are as far removed from that walk of life as we are. Religion is not law in the west, people can practise whatever religion they want to, and there just happens to be a huge number of muslims in the world. The only reason we keep hearing the words 'muslim' and 'attrocity' in the same sentence is down to (yes, you guessed it) our beloved press.

    How many 'muslim attrocities' have there been in England this year, compared to white English christian gangland murders, burglaries, rapes, paper crimes, etc..?
    #49 figaro, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
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  10. Yes, I remember it fondly, if vaguely.
    #50 johnv, Oct 5, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  11. Reminds me of "PENGUIN! PENGUIN!"
  12. native americans mate, you bleedin' palestine.

    didnt they dub out Guy Gibsons dog, 'nigger', in later versions of the Dam busters?
  13. i always chuckle when im watching the news and here the phrase, "the community"...or "in the local community"...then they always cut to a 'scholar', or local spokesman for 'the community'...i dont have to describe them, you seen it for yourselves...

    "police, are appealing for witnesses and have asked members of the community for their co operation"....
  14. Of course, if 'the community' were to help the police, rather than lower their eyes and shuffle off, there'd be a lot less crime to start with... I'm talking about the actual community of course, not the gurning idiots they grag in front of the cameras or the local parrish bible basher who's finger is so far from the pulse they may as well be on Mars.
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  15. unless of course, he's checking for the pulse...on your prostate gland.
  16. She won't miss my prostate, it's a s big as a house:upyeah:
  17. I watched parts of it just recently and the 'n' word was most definitely in.
  18. I visited China on business a few years ago. When myself and a local colleague were walking from the factory back to the hotel, we were followed by loads of local kids who were laughing and pointing at us. When I asked my colleague why, he said "they have never seen a round-eye before".

    I thought this was hilarious.

    A lot of the "righteous indignation" about "****ism" is normally demonstrated by people who do it "on behalf of" those they assume are offended.
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