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What Are The Prospects Of Travelling To Spain For The Late May Weekend ?

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Android853sp, Jan 27, 2021.

  1. I had a trip to Ireland booked for mid April but it’s been put back to the beginning of June, at least for the time being.
  2. I was buying a house in Spain until the latest lock down :(
  3. Bugger :( Have you been hit with a double whammy ? I see the Spanish government were quick to increase the qualifying financial requirements for non EU residents. Andy
  4. Sort of. We'd allowed contingency funds for post-Brexit requirements and for the first 2 years of building our tourism business, but with the unknown amount of lock downs and travel restrictions still to come, we calculated we'd need an extra £40K to be financially secure. At least pulling out now means that we'll be able to try again once the virus has settled down, probably in a couple of years. Better that than still move now and face no tourism income for the next 2 years.
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  5. Was that when the Aprilia broke down
  6. Yes mate. It turned into an expensive drinking holiday.
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. September is probably realistic.
  8. Which September? :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. I was talking to a friend of mine today who’s a senior manager in Leeds City Council.

    At a management meeting last week they had a senior NHS manager in attendance to talk about how they should/could adapt their working practices to deal with cv19.

    The NHS guy told them to expect to have restrictions in place until September, as that’s what the government is telling them privately.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Wouldn't at all suprise me if, for travel to Europe, who seem even further behind the curve than us, my trip get postponed again. Willing to accept that it'll be what it'll be. Brittany Ferries seem to want to do the decent thing, not so Corsica Ferries who will no doubt hit me with another surcharge to change the dates.
  11. I'm starting to think it might be 2022 before we see any sort of normaility.

    By the time we get to September we will be heading into Autumn/Winter again and i don't think the Government can afford to make the same mistakes they did last September and December.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Reading that stuff from the clown president of Spain, they won’t be open until 2022. Other than Germany, most other EU seem to be pretty similar: vaccine roll out is miles behind ours and they all seem to have that as the magic bullet
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  13. We’ve been told the same (I sit in on some nhs meetings).

    but the word ‘restrictions’ cover a lot of things. It’s the level of restriction that will be important
  14. Very true. And as said by John Adams in a letter to Abigail Adams in 1775

    “Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.”
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Makes me wonder what's really going on that they're trying to hide. Zombie apocalypse, perhaps?
  16. Watching my Euro track day cancellation emails fill up my inbox, so now booking a 12 day trip across the Himalaya on a Royal Enfield.... for June 2022.....:worried:
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  17. Tbh that sounds better than trackdays to me
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  18. Sounds awesome :upyeah: Andy
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. I think @Dave has done that trip :)
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