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What Are You Watching......?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XH558, Nov 2, 2018.

  1. Best holiday I ever did was Nashville, Memphis & New Orleans, and I'm currently sitting on a dozen concert tickets between now & August, including a trip to Munich, so I probably meet that description. :)
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  2. The Northampton Saints rugby match against Saracens.
  3. I see the BBC 2 has an evening of programs about Ella Fitzgerald and her music tonight, starting at 8:30pm. Might be if interest to some :D Andy
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  4. Last night was Terry Hall and generally two tone on BBc4 night. It was brilliant. Just always reminds me of why our generator is both super-resilient and angry in equal measures.
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  5. Mammals; the latest offering from the BBC and David Attenborough. As always it is interesting, educational and the photography is fantastic.
  6. Watched Mortdecai, starring Johnny Depp, on amazon. Was very funny.
  7. MV5BMTkwMjk4MDA5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNTA4NTk4._V1_.jpg Always worth a watch.!
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  8. It’s probably brilliant but I can’t watch anything he does any more as I know it will turn into a hypocritical lecture. Gone are the days of wonder at nature: it’s all about delivering their message. I’m sure it used to be a bit, but now it’s the whole programme.
  9. Who are they and what message?
    Most, if not all natural history programmes used to have a few mins at the end warning of the earth's plight and man's hand in it.
  10. Maybe it is because of the urgent situation in which we find ourselves?
    • Agree Agree x 4
  11. ..I can see the above comments..


    into another thread!
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  12. ‘They’ are BBC, WEF, WHO and their ilk. And they always used to talk habitat etc which was interesting. Now it seems to be he central theme: man is killing the world so stop everything you enjoy for the sake of the animals.

    Maybe I’m jaded. Maybe my tin foil hat needs renewing. I just want entertainment to be that
  13. Is it urgent? We do more damage in the measure we Rich in the west are enforcing on the poor everywhere else than anything else that happening. But this is a tv thread not a political one :upyeah::)
  14. I think you made it political mate. The planet is in a mess and we humans are fucking it up, I'm probably as cynical as you re nett zero, however there's no denying issues such as pollution (plastics) natural habitat being cleared for palm oil and burger meat, to name just a few.
    Not sure there's some evil oligarchy controlling things as you suggest, I do believe there are only a few genuinely evil people in the world, however there are legions of stupid (sleeping) people that can't see, or care to see beyond their own short meaningless lives.. You only have to look in people's shopping trollies' to realise this.
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  15. It's an interesting topic and does perhaps belong in drivel corner ;)
  16. The world is greener than ever, depending which facts you believe. (Well, recent history as in a few million years) in spirit of what you watching, I watch quite a lot of stuff on YT, TED talks, university lectures on the subject. I find it interesting to look at the non-mainstream views to try and get balance.

    back on thread….
    now watching paint dry (literally, had the dots glossed last week) in a call on cyber recovery capability….
  17. ...that David Attenborough bloke, travelling to all these places, all over the world, and seeing the effects of what mankind has done firsthand, and still he's a naughty little fibber... :rolleyes:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Always thought he was dodgy, sadly though he doesn’t travel any longer as he knocking on a bit.
  20. Sticking to the number alive today and not all, say since the Industrial Revolution, when modern day pollution kicked off.
    8 billion humans are making the planet greener?
    Interesting idea.
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