A carbon hugger as I don't currently have one and I'm fed up of cleaning stones fron the back of the engine cases, bolts to mount it, and a carbon heat exhaust shield to replace the ugly standard one
This afternoon I managed to pick up a complete set of pre-crashed but OE fairing for my new R6 which also came with exup valve a few other parts and a pre-crashed standard exhaust. So I can crash the R6 on track days with relative abandon and not worry about ruining my road fairing. Super. £145.
A steel wheel nut socket from America to fit front and rear of the multi , didn't fancy the Ali one that chews itself up if the nuts tight
A Valentines card,a bunch of roses, and a dust cover for the new bike.Mrs mervyn was absolutely delighted.
Motocorse rearsets (Reverse shift) Motocorse titanium frame plugs Brembo rear brake master cylinder (DP item)
Evo tech tail tidy and have finally fitted the sc project cr-t can, air filter and fuel management system....looks great and its a little bit noisy....woohoo
A pair of rare +0.25 NOS RD350B pistons and an even rarer (Unicorn territory) rear UK tail lamp/number plate unit for the same.
STILL SAVIN.....but gonna get em....Rizoma levers for my SF. Santa forgot to leave them when he visited.
DP mirrors Titanium engine bolt kit Corse Dynamics billet fuel pump base Corse Dynamics fuel tank mount bracket
Isn't that one of the type of disc locks you can open with a BIC biro ? sorry to be the bearer of potentially bad news :-(