Knox Back Protector, 9 Plate. Knox Sport Chest Protector. Knox Biomech Gloves. Despite wanting a pair of handroid gloves for a long time, I couldn't justify the extra cost to myself. Managed to save £53 by shopping around too; the biggest saving being on the gloves.
I bought a set of the Biomech Knox when they first came out. Ace gloves and they had a lot to live up to replacing my Kushitani's. Nearly as good, for touch and feel. Better to do up. I didnt like the handroid version as I have a knackered pinky. I must have had the gloves 4-5yrs now. Still going great, even after a couple of 'offs'. My only criticism is that the scaphoid protection can hurt your palm after a long period if youve ever broken your scaphoid which I have. But thats mainly from the pressure on the bars due to sportsbikes.
High flow fuel pump, 5bar pressure regulator and fuel filter. Ceramic coating for mag triple clamps and corse rocker linkage. Active fast action throttle, shido lithium ion battery, tygon 3603 tubing for brake reservoirs.
10 disposable shower caps for 50p - to cover the clocks with when washing/parked. I'm never letting water near them again. Couldn't find Ducati branded ones ;-)