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What gets you're back up?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. If I don't get a wave or a nod of acknowledgement to say thanks, I just run the fuckers down.
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  2. Harley Davidson owners....what is it with them?
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  3. They're mainly wannabe red neck hillbillies, if they love America that much they should piss off and live there
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  4. i hear they're doing free chaps with every hog at our local dealers
  5. If I can get to a pump it doesn't bother me, I'm happy to stretch the pump around the car but if they're blocking pumps grrrrr. Or are blocking the main road!!! Grrrrr

    Drivers, who in heavy traffic at junctions don't signal their intention. Who else has waited to pull out when several cars in a row turn into your road with no indication? Grrrrr
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  6. Lorries overtaking. Or not, as the case may be.:mad:
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  7. People shouting into mobile phones whilst I am on a train,interspersed with moronic ring tones that I hate.
    Generally speaking,all those people who have a me,me,me attitude,and don't give a s++t for anyone else.Will stop now before I start ranting.
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  8. customers that request the cheapest possible repair to get them through an mot and when it doesn't last a life time your all the scum under the earth.
  9. Cnuts that just sit in the middle lane when the inside lane is empty, old people who dodder around supermarkets at the weekend when they have all week to do their shopping, fackers who can't park for shit and take up two spaces, rude, I'll mannered cnuts and idiots with no common sense...
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  10. That's just BMW parking, that's all. :wink:
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  11. Too late.
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  12. People that eat with their mouths open......:redface:

    Random indicator control at roundabouts.....

    My ex wife still breathing......

    The use of the word "literally" these days....

    Jeremy Kyle....

    Things with cables that invariably get a knot in them....

    The new signs spring up with "Picking up litter risks road workers lives"....So whose fault is it that their lives are in danger? Are they on a special rate for this high risk work? And what are their union saying about this? What are the stats on litter picker fatalaties? Should we add them in the Help for Heroes for this vital work..

    That is all....

    No, really people using "that is all"

    That is all.....
  13. complete arse wipes who think its ok to open there car doors into the car parked next to them,usually mine !,if i ever caught um i would without doubt loose my temper.
    #53 simmytt, Dec 7, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2013
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  14. Going into a small supermarket (common over here) with say 4/5 tills , there's a queue of customers 5 or 6 deep being served on one till , the queue gets bigger and I'm standing at the back thinking "fucks sake I'm gonna scream in a minute" ,the other tills are empty because 6 other staff are fucking shelf filling , fucks sake do it when the shops not busy .
    Back in the day before cheap imported foreign labour shelf filling was done when the shop had closed or by one member of staff not all but one ,bastardos.

    Also how come I am standing in the queue in my builders working clothes which are clean but dirty (if you know what I mean) and someone who always looks clean stinks of B.O. , I just know everyone else is thinking I'm the humdinger,christ life is so unfair at times.
  15. Oi steady on, we're just trying to avoid pin dents!
  16. That's why they invented pornography Dave , a quick look at the "interesting articles" and you wont be able to roll onto your front :eek:
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  17. People with umbrellas, who use them in crowded places, causing multiple eye injuries.......makes me want to insert it somewhere and then open the damned thing.

    People who clog up the aises of a supermarket with trolley/kids/pushchairs, completely oblivious to everyone else around them, who then act all surprised and offended when, for the good of society i attempt to club them to death with a can of beans (Banned from local Tesco's for life on two occasions now)

    People who sit up my arse on the motorway, and then bimble along like the village idiot when i let them pass, who act very surprised when i signal them to pull over so i can club them to death with the can of beans i bought in Tesco earlier (see above)

    People who push-in when others are queueing because they are "in a rush".......not on my watch sunshine (banned from local WHSmith)

    People who get to the front of the queue in Starbucks/Costa and then decide they don't know what they want, whilst my murderous rage gets worse and worse, and i pull out my over-used can of beans once more.......
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  18. mobility scooter drivers
    those lot are proper feckin terrorists !!
  19. Pedestrians.
    Riders of Jap bikes.

    Well, people in general...
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  20. Yeah, that one's particularly annoying. In fact anyone who can't be bothered to think in the down time of a queue, but decides to only engage their brain when they get to the head of it.
    Includes people who start fumbling around in bags or pocket for a wallet or purse, instead of using the queuing time to assess what the likely bill is going to be and preparing themselves to pay it.

    I similarly loathe people who get to a roundabout, stop, and then start looking to see if it is safe to go. They seem to have missed the whole point of the thing, that you assess this as you approach the roundabout so that you probably don't need to stop.

    In short, stupid fucking people really get my back up.
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