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What gets you're back up?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by dasmo, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Teabagging? :eek:
  2. I like a back rub :)
  3. I don't think Susanna is classy enough to be teamed up with Sophie.:smile:But I think perhaps we could come up with another contender.How about Kate Silverton as a maybe?
    #123 mervyn, Dec 11, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  4. i cant remember her name but the wumin that presents the sport.v.nice
  5. Wash your keyboard out! Sophie 'wheres the adams apple' Raworth couldn't lace Sussie's sussies
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  6. Your worth quite a bit in scrap metal know :upyeah:
  7. Yep , and the way things are going Ill be able to cash in before I kick it
    second hand bits , the femoral nail ( top ) was fun when it broke .....not! the long pins make good centre punches ..... hard as all hell

  8. Scary!

    Glad you're better than you were!
  9. Gosh ! titanium goodies where are those going on the bike , glad to see you didn't go for purple anodised shite. :tongue:
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  10. Those came out you leg! Jaysus.
  11. I'm quite interested to know how you deal with airport security with a leg like that.

    What actually goes on when you bleep continually? Strip search? Or do you wave a bit of paper at them?
  12. THAT was the biggest disappointment of them all , I spent months in hospital thinking of that and when I finally got to fly again I rocked ( literally ) up to the scanner thinkin " this will be fun " and .... nothing , gutted I went to the departure lounge where I discovered I still had the rental car keys in my pocket, so I reckon their stupid scanner must have been broken .
  13. The long pins were screwed into bone ( hips , femur shinbone ) with the ends poking out and these ends were clamped into external frame work to support pelvis and leg while the orthopaedic guys figgered out how to fix it. And that's only about 1/2 of them , by the time the 2nd lot came out ( a year later ) the novelty had worn off and I didn't bother to photo them :smile:
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