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What Have Today's Kids Missed Out On

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Frank Thomas paddock boots, polycarb lids, misting visors, riding in jeans, the smell of patchouli oil and resin aaaah my youth
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  2. Ahh, patchouli oil, love it. Remember Afghan coats? Stunk to high heaven but everyone was desperate to own one.
  3. Jim'll fix it on Saturday night tv!
  4. Clip round the ear for being cheeky.

    Aztec bars and a blue packet in your Chrisps. Oh and snow at Christmas
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  5. Spangles and bathing by candlelight because the miners are on strike.
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  6. CB radios - the forefathers of the forum
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  7. basil brush
    boooom booom
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  8. Magpie
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  9. Fuckin Huge, and I mean HUGH Wagon Wheels :Wideyed:
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  10. cant remember any of my biking mates watching basil brush or magpie !!!!!!!:Yuck:
  11. magic roundabout
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  12. Captain Pugwash
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  13. [​IMG]
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  14. master baites, seaman staines !!!!!
  15. Valerie singleton :Kiss:
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  16. from my early bike days 1975 ish,,, a gallon petrol and 2 pints of bitter for £1.
    a long weekend away to the beach and you still came home with change from a fiver.

    old people "gave" you their old bikes for free.

    you often found bikes in skips and kept them.

    plod that "let you off" often and were even impressed your bsa a10 had managed to do 80mph on the straight,let alone round that bend and through that hedge.:rolleyes:

    ford capris were sportcars apparently and they also liked to go through hedges quite a lot in fact i think they were designed for it.
    so were ford anglias.:Bag:

    sex was a lot more complicated back then.sex education was non existant.up the arse was an expression prior to getting a kicking and nothing to do with sex.

    theres loads but the main thing we had then was manners and class.

    no such thing now.:Finger:
  17. The double deckers ;).
    Hugh wagon wheel that a euphemism for something? Or should it be posted in the stupid name
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  18. Lotus twin cam Anglia,,, white , bubble arch, 5 1/2 j , lotus badge / green stripe ,, siting St Vincent st Glasgow one eve, ( circs '68 /69 ), one of nicest cars I have ever seen :rolleyes:,, memories mate,, memories :)
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  19. will these guys know what kerby is? did you ever play the Chinese rope trick?
  20. Roger the Cabin Boy...
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