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What Have Today's Kids Missed Out On

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Baldyboy, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Capstan full strength, navy cut and number 1s
    Yep fond memories!
  2. Being told about sex in Junior School not infants, and not believing in something so heinous :Wideyed:
  3. Pubic hair.
  4. they never told us anything.
    fking nearly had heart attack the first time,which is ironic now as ill prolly have that as the last time n all..
    #64 gregotch, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2014
  5. My 1st faag was a capstan
  6. i didnt know anything about gays either but luckily i was girl mad by then..

  7. Hey! Steady on, old boy.
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  8. Players no. 6 every day on the bus into school.
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  9. sorry,the emoticons here are not very good are they,thought that was a thumbup..

  10. doctors and nurses !!:Shamefullyembarrased:
  11. Arctic roll or angel delight as a treat
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  12. What Have Today's Kids Missed Out On

    Being kids.
    When I was a kid I was a kid, and not 6 going on 60.
    It seems that having a childhood is something to be skipped as quick as possible before they can dive headlong into a miniature adulthood.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. I still buy vanilla angel delight for the final topping for a trifle
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  14. Ridiculous clothing trends.... I remember the days in the late 80's & early 90's when shorts were either offensively patterned long and baggy Bermudas, or skin tight Lycra, with the odd dash of fluorescent panels. Add in global hyper colour t shirts odd Fluorescent socks (something I keep alive every Friday) and Nike air trainers and you have a visual...... ummmmm........ event.

    Dull jeans ten sizes too big and a hoodie just aren't in the same league
  15. Kids don't have a past, they look to the future.

    It's a bloody disgrace that we leave them to collect the rubbish.

    We have forgot the responsibility we have, it should not be based on big houses, bank accounts, cars, bikes, it should be based on happiness, partnership, relationships, the family unit, caring and understanding for others, free will, not control, love.

    We are born wanting love and companionship, we need each other.

    I hope the kids of the future look back at us with understanding that we knew no better, that we were blind to the corporate world we grew up. That we honestly believed that hurting others was the way forward, in the name of world peace.

    We are here for a short time, we come into this world with nothing, we will leave with nothing. Don't forget, there is a future.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. The original title was "Now That's What I Call Music!"
    Then 2 etc. Followed.
  17. When i was a kid we were so poor that i wasn't born a boy I'd of had nothing to play with.:p
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  18. OMG....give me a tree to hug.

    We decided not to be shellfish and add more mini me's to the world.
    Did the government decide to reward me with non_children benefits...no.
    Do I still pay more than my fair share of taxes to fund schools, play grounds etc ..yes.

    I help keep the capitalist market ticking by investing in new bike things.

    "Utopia" people...watch it .....and learn.
    Where is Jessica Hyde?
    #78 AirCon, Sep 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2014
  19. Are we back to jim'll fix it or Rolf Harris?
  20. I was out running on Wednesday and part of the run goes past a large park. I noticed the sheer amount of horse chestnut seeds (conkers) on the ground, some good ones too, you know the ones with the sharp edges. It got me thinking that as I child I'd have been out with the old man, picking all these up in a carrier bag ready for conkers in the playground. Do kids play conkers anymore?
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