H&S bunch of arse That story may not be true but I have personal experience of the over zealous nanny state eejits.
having been forced to sit through a "how to use a kettle" course,"how to wash my hands course" and "how to drive a 65ton loading shovel economically and safely" course all pushed by the H+S tit i heartily concur.
For instance H&S marshals evacuating an office of police detectives because of a piece of burnt toast until such time fire service could judge it safe to return, even though we had to make dynamic risk assesments daily, or having to clear with control room any foot pursuit if we had to climb a wall/fence etc because of H&S, or having a H&S training course stopped before it started due to a power lead not being covered by trunking and stopped by H&S.
I could not access a relay room on the london underground as I had not yet had 'training'. Yet the cleaner walked in and out of the room as I stood there arguing with the station master to collect her bucket and mop. Go figure. Bare in mind I'm a consultant engineer. My first comment would have been to remove the bucket and mop and her cleaning supplies and to reprimand the station master for being a tool for allowing it. Ive done umpteen LU training courses. Including how to use a ladder. How I have managed all these years prior I'll never know.
Nope H&S Pete - conkers 'were' banned in at least some schools - legislation or not. This is still H&S gone mad and to be honest 'it does need discrediting'. It was fine 10 years ago and sensible and meaningful - now it's just silly, so there :Blackeye:
It is true that in some schools some teachers have banned conkers, just as it is true that some schools have banned phones, or pink socks, or hamburgers, or spitting. All this however has nothing whatever to do with Health and Safety. It is an outright lie to say that it has.
Yes it does - the story at the time was on health and safety grounds from the teachers - so there, and if your an H&S professional your one of the ones responsible for all the silliness around now, especially if your defending it so vigorously. You've been brain washed by fools. It's easy evidently (see ISIS) but snap out of it man :Smuggrin:
Talk the the professionals before spouting the crap the tabloids spin you or the fools in offices who appoint themselves or others after doing a course somewhere. Most things done in the name of 'Health and Safety' aren't needed and are not unsafe. It gets mixed up with what some people think should be stopped, or enforced and what the legal departments want enforcing to head of any potential legal action in the future. this is the place you need to check HSE: Information about health and safety at work Most of what is being complained about on here isn't mandated by any legislation or inspector. There is a constant attack on H&E by those who want to see a return to the days when there was a good chance of workers being killed or maimed while doing their jobs. Don't confuse it with Daily Mail Crap about Conkers or some manager somewhere with a half remembered course and a memo from the company lawyer in his email.
If a teacher takes some foolish action which has nothing to do with health and safety and, when asked about it, states falsely that his action was required by 'health and safety', then that teacher is a liar. And the people (e.g. the Daily Mail) who perpetuate the story knowing full well that it's false are also liars. The conkers story is a good example of such lies. That is what I have already explained. It is not H&S professionals who are the cause of what you call "silliness". It is people who try to justify their idiotic actions by falsely claiming they are justified by "health and safety". You know perfectly well I personally have nothing to do with health and safety, and never have had. I just happen to have an aversion to those who maliciously peddle falsehoods. The question here is: Why are you so keen to defend these lies? A wind-up?
Thankyou Gary for finding the info for me.What a trajic story.I spent many a happy evening at the Silver Blades in the 60's.Was a good place to take a girlfriend and show off ones skating
In my opinion schools use health and safety to stop conkers coming into school as most parents would believe the hype as health and safety said so that's law !!! The school use it as a way to avoid any incidents with conkers and having to deal with angry parents when their child gets injured by a conker I'm quite sure there would be a blame and claim somewhere in there
Agree somewhat ,but when theses stupid "ideas" are implemented through,say a quarrying company(my profession for 30yrs),then it IS related directly to H+S,the silly courses are simply people cashing in on business owner fear of H+S,again this IS down to hse,no-one else. Self apointed is exactly what all H+S executive are.no democracy involved,make yourself indespensible by quoting a few postive effects,all well and good and thank you for that,monitoring crap employers again all well and good,but..75% of it all is fake and basically just totally ignoring the huge amount of waste of time and money involved in keeping a bunch of failed schoolteachers and failed "ex" industry managers in work. we(workers)are obliged to take these "courses" in order to maintain our livelihoods,its part of our contract of employment. if the hse wishes to distance itself from this basically corrupt version of the hse policies then THEY need to get their act together and stop fking us about because it will end in tears in the future. as usual though as above its our fault bla bla bla. there isnt a constant attack on anyone except US, by the hse and their merry band of otherwise unemployable tits. if you are saying we are all idiots who need your absolute guidance on everything then you are living in fairyland,we dont,we are proffesionals who know exactly what we are doing. i certainly know not a single h+s tit could ever do my job wether it be because of skill,ability to actually do proper work or the sheer fact they wouldnt get paid thousands of £salary for wandering about pompously coming up with childish ideas and playschool charts showing what we already know. Dont do as we do,DO as we say!!.. familiar speech that eh?.
Seems you and I had a similar approach, though it was 20 years later for me, and there wasn't that much skill to show off! The place wasn't the most salubrious even back then.
See there you go spouting crap! Take it up with your employer not the HSE. It's your employer who is buying in the courses. Maybe your company employs someone who likes doing courses, maybe his brother runs some kind of outfit that sells courses or training materials. Maybe the company has been involved in litigation following an accident at some time so they are making sure their backs are covered. Most stuff passed off as Health and Safety doesn't come from the HSE and isn't mentioned in any legislation . I already posted that. Have a word with your company Safety Rep and ask them why they do it or whoever the Union Rep is at your company. Find out if the Union demands it or supports it.
Excuse me gentlemen I have created a new thread for the hse argument and more fool me for introducing it here
However brainwashed they are, they are still H&E reps, and at our factories they are foolish. And if you're seriously into H&E as you seem to be, then you or people like you probably trained / brainwashed them. You cannot surly deny H&S has gone mad - even as you say most is not directly linked to legislation - it's stupid, stop getting your knickers in a twist, as that is dangerous in itself