What is there left to believe in?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. I'll see your bubble wrap and up you Velcro
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  2. Woodchip wallpaper.....evidence there is evil in the world.
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  3. I agree, I just don't understand the need to believe in something bigger than ourselves, when we understand only a tiny proportion of this amazing and exciting physical world. I keep hearing of people searching for the meaning of life. Why? why not just enjoy the ride...
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  4. Bollocks to the Cheesemakers.

    I believe, fervently and devoutly, that I am going to have another glass of wine.

    I'll pass though - on unicorns, wood sprites and invisible space-friends, both current and those from 2000-odd years ago. Cheers.
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  5. I believe that who ever you come in to contact with and build a relationship or friendship. That person or even member of family will inevitably shaft you at some point. It's garunteed.
  6. Special K.

    Girls in slinky red clothing, what's not to believe in?
  7. I say yes but in an opposite parallel universe you'll be the one doing the shafting
  8. O.k You can probably include some of these under headings you already have ...

    Free will


    everything worthwhile

    everything worthless


    The knowledge that we dont know everything and should seek to discover regardless.

    Seriously, the sooner the world is free of the nonsense that holds us back the better.
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  9. I don't beleive in wine, it's beer made with wrong ingredients.
  10. The fact that that no matter how much of it you eat....you'll still look like a hippo, but dressed in a red swimsuit.
  11. Speak for yourself - some of us look quite tidy in a red swimsuit! :biggrin:

  12. Sadly some will, but not everybody is like that. I promise I wont try to shaft you in anyway whatsoever :upyeah:
  13. Bill Hicks.


    "I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night 'n day..."
  14. Quoting R Kelly? I didnt know things were that bad :smile:
  15. Confused - do rods and cones exist then?
  16. If R. Kelly believes he can fly, why doesn't he jump off the nearest high building?
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