Full Ohlins 748R. Had to sell it when I couldn’t afford rent or heating in the winter of 2011 because I was only doing very poorly paid criminal legal aid work.
Mrs X made me sell this…I think I got about £1500 for it as it was a tax free import that I got in Napoli that needed the tax paying on it… (Aquaduct is just near Caserta)
You have good taste Sir..... Well except for the Honda ss50, and maybe that was a 16th birthday present from your parents.
Blimey, Deptford. My mums side of the family are from there. Street called Creekside IIRC I’ve got a pair of red DMs somewhere in a cupboard
I know Creekside. Havent been in SE London for a few yrs, alls changed. Im in Surrey now. Lived in SE London most of my yoof.
Paid £50 for it and tarted it up as a school project for an o level of some sort. Wrote it off couple of weeks later
Not exactly Hollywood, is Creekside I’ve not been that way for a good while now and although my wife is from Old Kent Road way, her family moved away just before we met.
I wish I'd been able to keep all of them, but these in particular: And this one I hope to keep: Tom. I almost forgot this one:
I have to say, that 848 nearly killed me numerous times. It was so encouraging to ride fast. Very fast. Like use all the road performance bikes video fast! Probably the most ragged bike I’ve owned, and that says something!
Exactly why I sold my 848 Evo. Way too fast and easy to ride… I sensed my life expectancy shrink every time I started it!
Ex Bermondsey meself [Dockhead], moved out a few years ago. X-council houses sell for a £1million and X-council flats £400 - £500 thou. Used to get our boots and Levis from Jay's Stores next to Surrey Docks Station.
It’s mental isn’t it? My girlfriend lived in a pokey 1 bed on the Cherry Garden estate off Jamaica Rd and when she was thinking of exercising right to buy a couple of years ago, it was valued (open market) at £250k.
I lived in Cherry Garden St, had a really nice 2bed flat when Southwark Council decided to dump their worst problem families on us. Crime went through the roof [break-ins, car theft, torching cars] so we decided to move out. Not long after, the "Right to Buy" was introduced...DOH