That would make mine Patch Thorley. I`m happy with that, "he" sounds like a guy who would leave them bow legged and gasping, unlike Sergeant Jiggler or Butt Deep, they just sound like victims in a gay snuff movie :wink:.
Tonya dangler if i use my first and last name Sassy hump if I use my middle name and bj diggler if I use my forum name!! I like sassy hump!!!
Real name = Maxx Tang First name only = Captain Kung-fu Grip [h=2]Forum name = Buck Pantsmaster [/h]:smile:
Mine`s Sergeant Jiggler :tongue:. Stop lol-ing in the ranks and get yer `air cut, yoooou `orrible little man!" :wink: :biggrin:
I keep trying these "What's Your Porn Star Name" sites ... but I always get my exact real name. I'm getting a complex about it.
My real name Cara Fanny Forum Name Asia Cream The mothers first pet Mothers maiden name Honey Worker I like that.