I live on a hill so I’ve got used to “tacking” up it by zig zagging when there’s snow. Not always successfully though. The journey to part-ex my then 330ci Clubsport for the 911 turned out to be the day of the 2018 Beast From the East and some dozy plonker standing in the road making a fecking snow man(!) made me lose momentum and I came to a halt. Said plonker then tried to make amends by pushing me to get me going again and managed to rip the boot spoiler off in the process. I soooooo wanted to call the well meaning idiot seven kinds of c*nt, but he was the local vicar Then, the guy selling me the 911, not unreasonably decided he didn’t fancy receiving my PX beemer as a series of individual parts so I had to pay cash for it.
Amazingly, I can fit more stuff on the ebike than I can my car so it gets used as a van (having a parts clear out so I needed to do a much overdue eBay/post office run).
Yamaha/Ohlins did release a 2WD bike, there is one local to me, I have seen it but not ridden it, apparently it is a bitch to ride with the extra weight on the front, and if the front breaks traction you lose steering, bit like riding on ice? https://www.mcnews.com.au/yamahas-wr450f-2-trac-two-wheel-drive/