Save a potential load of hassle, buy a standard 2013> twinspark. Ohlins models whilst having good suspension will be earlier incarnations...with more issues and also at a premium price in comparison. The standard bike can have cartridge inserts at the front end for around £600 (Andreani) if its not good enough for what you want. You get smoother running. Better economy. Better lights. Less issues.
Set your computer home page to ' My Multi Has Broken Again' as that's all that seems to happen to them. The bike should come with an A4 folder about an inch thick, that's all the recall paper work.
Well my 2012 model has been mostly fine. Only problems have been Ohlins fork rattle (sorted by shimming), paint on rad bubbling(replaced under warranty) and fuel sensor error (not yet sorted) 12k miles and I wouldn't trade it for anything else!