What was YOUR 1st Ducati?? Any pic's?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by addicted.to.DUCATI, Sep 30, 2013.

  1. The monster looks mint :upyeah:
  2. Ps Viv - I hope you've cut your fringe since you had that pic took :wink:
  3. I have yes ET
    Amazing what maguires gold wash and caranuba wax and little effort required from myself can achieve and god bless WD40 :-D
  4. looks like you are trying to be a superhero - maybe du-CAT-iWoman - but you forgot to cut the eyeholes out!
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  5. 851 strada ... SP scared me... :)

    loved the bike.. swapped it for the '94 916SP

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  6. Have we seen you recently in those leathers?
  7. You've had your moneys worth out of those leathers
  8. Here's my first Ducati.

    It was a standard 350 Sebring which I aquired as a straight swap for my purple T110 chop 'cos a) I was on a ban and needed something low profile for 6 months and b) I'd knocked the Triumph over with the primary cover removed and bent the gearbox mainshaft (well, have you ever tried to rebuild a bike in a very small bedsit?).

    As you'll know the Sebring was styled after an early 70s CZ 175, or it would have been if it hadn't already been built by then. So once released from stealth mode I thought it'd look better if it better resembled a Sporster .... amazing what one could afford to do on the dole in them days! Having said that I think the most expensive thing was the Sporty tank, maybe followed by the Bates headlight. Frame paint courtesy of a brush and some decent coach paint, tank paint by a mate who was learning how-to and chrome by Rusty Russel and the platers back door (if you'll excuse the fnar, fnar possibilities).

    Sold it to Ducati Pete after I'd bought an R75 and started despatching but bought it back several years later for my missus to ride. Did the whole thing again on a bigger budget but it didn't really look any better and Liz hated it anyway (by the time Pete had upped the compression and stuck in a faster cam it vibrated so much her glasses blurred!) so we chopped it in on a V50 Monza. Sebring.jpg

  9. DSC00011.jpg DSC00015.jpg
    My first love.. :smile: Bought in 95 at six months old. First ride just blew me away. Awesome bike.


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  10. My first: 1999 748; I had her from new and she's still part of the family

    Photo below was taken just after an off at Gerrads [Mallory Pk] in 5th... [gear, not place ! ;) ]


    Same bike once repaired at Cadwell...


    Then again an hour later... Doh !


    Watch this space... She will be looking might fine again by the spring ! ;)



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  11. I'm impressed if you were riding that at 6 months old, must've looked like Dani Pedrosa... :wink:

    Nice bike though. :upyeah:
  12. First Ducati was a 748 SP (no pics im afraid) soon followed by this 996 SPS.:upyeah: 6579_full.jpg 6575_full.jpg 6576_full.jpg 6578_full.jpg




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  13. nice mate..very nice..looks really historic now
  14. Yellow 748 is the first, picture of me sat on it when I went to pick it up. My first bike!


    Shortly after whilst showing off getting my knee down I binned it. Twas dead :(


    Then I got the bike I still love and miss. Selling it was my greatest mistake. My red 748.


    Finally, the bitch, my 1098S. Amazing bike... Above 80mph...

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  15. Got this a couple of years ago (thereabouts) it was great, nothing wrong with it but at that point id had a life of sit up bikes....and the draw
    for something with fairing proved too much (the last straw was going to the TT up the M5 getting my head blown off on a z1000 at 90 or so and then seeing packs of fireblades gsxr's etc etc passing me with ease...
    IMG_2664.jpg IMG_0237.jpg
    So, i got one of these....
    Which is awesome - great fun at the TT this year (got my knee down for the first time also - which was nice) - its changed a little since that photo - crap mirrors have gone for starters. Managed to score myself another 1100evo last month while holding onto the RSV - all thanks to the wife...although i have to provide her with a new bathroom starting this weekend!...skip turning up tomorrow....

    You cant see the pics of the evo yet - its a secret/its all in pieces over the garage floor having bits powder coated.




  16. First Ducati - A North Anerican imported 999 2003... Feckin awful machine, truly terrible fuelling. Didn't keep it long enough to sort it out - came very close to sending the thing back across the pond!

    Second - 999R Xerox (2008 registered) long gone, but not forgotten. Really want another.

    Third - Panigale S, bloody fabulous!

    Fourth - Not got it yet :(
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