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What's better? Start it up or leave it alone?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by DoctorW, Oct 25, 2013.

  1. not a bit cruel keeping a cat in the aibox
  2. ah yes, the extreme well documented cold of north london, that much closer to the Arctic….. i gather Ran Fiennes is planning a trip to N London….

    shagpile, or axminster- which works best?

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  3. Cant remember, I posted that over a month ago :smile: Ive probably changed my mind now :smile:
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  4. does the concrete act like a sponge on your tyres, ie its moisture absorbent and as such could damage a tyre in contact for long periods?
  5. they do if you start it up apparently
  6. Optimate on once a week.

    Bike kept in the garage with both wheels off the ground.

    Dehumidifier on.

    Occasional start up - prefer to go out for an hour if the weather is dry and no salt about.
  7. 8 weeks or so, no Optimate, and started on the button. 40 miles later and ill wash him ready for the next time. It was wet, slippy, and horrible but it was the best (motoring!) fun I've had in two months!
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  8. its the cold not the moisture
  9. Mine is in the lounge behind the sofa. Its been there since October as my shed needs replacing still (I will get round to it). The only trouble is, it gives off an odour, not quite sure what it is, its not petrol. Some times I can smell it, sometimes I can't. I don't have the battery on charge or anything.
  10. Just imagine - if there was no 'her indoors' it could in full view next to the telly!

    Can't help with the odour other than suggest moving it away from the sofa and next to the telly!
  11. My partner has her gaff and I have mine :upyeah: I have spent years using excuses for us not living together. I am running out of time though now lol. Hopefully sell both houses and buy something with a nice double garage, she does not realise it but its on the top of my list when we start looking shhhhhhhhhhh lol.
  12. I can't smell it that bad though when the dogs had sheep hearts for his tea! Sort of a green haze hangs in the air.
  13. Sadly since my other half moved in scenes like this have become a thing of the past.....oh such happy memories:frown:

    However as a compromise, one of the conditions was I was allowed to keep a bike in the house...albeit in one piece!!:biggrin:


  14. I'd hate to have a bike over the winter I can't ride. Those lovely crisp, dry clear days makes winter bearable!
  15. I lost around 90% of my sense of smell some 6 years ago so it's not a problem (have 3 in the house this winter)

    if you have 'one' in the living room for too long you can get too blase about it's shape after a while. The trick is to put a dust cover over it for a few weeks then come removal time you can enjoy it all over again :upyeah:
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