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What's For Dindins?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Bonkers the Dog, Oct 18, 2021.

  1. Chilli con carne.:yum 20211104_183501[1].jpg
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. Blazing saddles come to mind here.
  3. 3DB99FA4-C5DC-4472-9AD4-33DA73B2AC91.jpeg
    A tomato shallot and red pepper based dish with king prawns and gnocchi
  4. oooooo I want your cooker
    • Funny Funny x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Anthony, with a six ring cooker top you must be a serious foodie lover / chef.
  6. I've removed it for you my dear.:upyeah:
    • Love You Love You x 1
  7. fab let’s keep it to food otherwise your on the naughty step :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. And a bit less of the condescending attitude
  9. sandwiches, I have sandwiches for din-dins
    • Like Like x 1
  10. Bloody Vikings!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. My place has an Aga, which takes an age to heat up and if you want to fry or boil anything it needs about a week’s written notice. Hence, I do the vast majority of my cooking using one of these things. And as I’m a single man, I also use a single pan, or rather a big rectangular non-stick thing with a handle at each end that I bought from Aldi, upon which an entire meal can be conjured in a matter of minutes. The only time I really use the Aga is when roasting a joint for the dog (who eats like a prince) every few days and the girlf also uses it occasionally to bake a cake when she comes over.

    • Like Like x 2
  12. Its ok he knows how I roll ;) and I’m far away from being a condescending person
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  13. Insane, you say?

    I used to drink 4 or 5 mugs (yes, that does say “mugs”) of espresso strength coffee with 4 sugars per day. There have been studies which found that mice who are fed a very high caffeine diet live 25% longer than those which were fed a normal diet. And it obviously works, because once when I was 42 and going through a very brief clean shaven phase I got asked for ID on the door of a bar with a “Challenge 25” policy and given the rakish reprobate lifestyle I used to lead, by rights I should look like Keith Richards. Since I grew my (increasingly grey) beard back though, I’m more likely to be asked if I need help crossing the road or if I find the new 5p coin a bit fiddly. :D

    I make my coffee with one of these beautifully simple contraptions, which IMO, brews the best cup of cafe ever.

    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. Ha, yeah, it must be about a year ago young people had been stepping aside, respectful and generally helpful enough that I finally twigged. Around about the time I was shocked to find I didn't have to pay for prescriptions any more.

    I'm aware of pro-coffee stats. As far as I can make out I drink at leasr twice as much as the upper level supposed to confer benefit. Still an unknown, I suppose. We're pioneers!
    • Like Like x 1
  15. I’ve just had falafels with a dollop of jalapeño guacamole on the side.

    My mouth is on fire currently :eek:
  16. I bet it is :grinning:
  17. Oh yes and chilli
    • Like Like x 1
  18. How you getting on with anchovies?
  19. Tapas in town today after the annual meeting with the accountant.
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