Dinner was frozen Paella from Aldi. Add a chopped chicken breast and a few shrimps and its really not bad for an effortless meal.,.
I just feel I have to mention I made my best roasties yet, Sunday! I've been cooking since skiving off school in the '70s and, like most of you I suspect, 1st I'm a decent chef because I'm a man; which is to say, obsessive. I'm quite sure it's essentially the same impulse that has us building motorcycles and cars etc. But I made the perfect roasties - given good spuds - by following Delia's instructions to the letter. Had them with asparagus, broccoli, parsnips, gravy with garlic, yorkshires, and salmon with more garlic and black pepper. I want more, now. Roll on Christmas. Maybe I'll remember to take pics.
I'll have salmon at Christmas, too. With stuffing and cranberry sauce. Okay, to paraphrase Delia: Heat the fan oven to 220 C, in the process melting the block of fat in your roasting tin (she says 'lard' but I use Crisp'n'Dry vegetable fat). Parboil the spuds for 10mins (drain the water and save for gravy) Put the lid back on the saucepan and give a vigorous shake to make the outside of the spuds crumbly (put the 'mash' left behind in the water for the gravy) Take the roasting tin out of the oven and put on the hob, with the gas on - about medium - to keep the fat hot (if you've got electric I suppose you have let it heat up first) Put the parboiled spuds in and baste thoroughly. Put back in the oven for 25-30mins. Take out and turn them over (with the hob on again to keep the fat hot) Put back in for a total cooking time of 50mins to an hour (so another 25-30mins. The smaller the spud size the crispier they'll be. And the kind of potato matters - for instance that they don't break up when shook. I usually use King Edwards, but this time I used Bartletts reds). Though it's a fan, the fact the parsnips are supposed to be cooked at 200 C, I put the spuds on the top shelf and the parsnips on the bottom. I use Aunt Bessie's Yorkshires, which only take 3-4mins, so can go in when everything else is being dished out.
Nightmare finding this thread who calls it dindins ffs? Anyway, cheats red curry with extra chilli on its way , god I miss authentic Thai food.
Was going to have beans on toast, but have thrown a load of spring rolls in the oven and ordered a subway delivery.
Going in to town to a gig after beer and dinner at an Ethiopian and Eritrean restaurant. So I guess that’s what’s for din-dins, beer and a curry.
Venison, mash potatoes, a handful of mixed vegetables & all drowned in beef gravy. Really hit the spot.