What's your mental condition?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Jul 16, 2013.

  1. I was watching a documentary about Alzheimer's last night, and my wife turned to me and said,

    "What a dreadful illness - if I ever get Alzheimer's, I think I'll just shoot myself".

    "I know" I replied. "You said that 5 minutes ago".
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  2. this thread is descending into a farce, can you not take it seriously , it's always the same people that completely muck up and mess with the OP's head, shame on you. For what it's worth Cluey I am as sane as you.:upyeah:
  3. Being depressed or anxious is quite normal.

    When it gets chronic (and the threshold and criteria vary for each individual), it is much more than being a bit fed up or nervous.

    For me, I finally realised something was wrong when I seriously considered that deliberately driving my car into an oncoming lorry was a better alternative than any other option. I did not, but broke down when I got home, which in hindsight, was probably what started me on the road to coping with what Churchill called his "black dog".

    If anyone understands the term "nihilism", that understates chronic depression/anxiety by a multiple of thousands. You feel that absolutely nothing is worthwhile.

    Here are a few typical symptoms :

    You think you look and feel much older than your years
    Everyone else is enjoying life, but not you
    You no longer get any pleasure out of things you used to enjoy
    You have lost your appetite, for food and for life
    You cannot concentrate on anything
    Being in social gatherings is daunting
    Doing anything is too much effort
    You are scared that people might find out what is wrong
    Covering up takes up all of your energy (what little you have)
    You are irritable and negative
    Love and intimacy are absent
    You wake up in the early hours, and cannot get back to sleep because of very repetitive, negative thinking
    It becomes less about feelings, rather the absence of feelings
    The impact of all of the above increases exponentially
    You take solice in "self medication" (drugs, booze, take your pick)
    You feel totally isolated

    Tell me to man up if you will, I am dealing with a fucking huge "black dog" every single day. There is no quick fix, but there is a way to tame the bastard.

    My Ducati helps.

    Best Regards, SH
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  4. Just remember, we're here if you need us :smile:
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  5. Not me I cant deal with that as well as repairing my bike due to a recent lowside. :frown:
  6. I s'pose you would have been happier if it was a highside...
  7. One half of me says yes but the other
  8. Well, Peter ... we can start a self help group on lowside-induced-low-self-esteem-and-repair-bill-anxiety- syndrom... :)
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