Ride on first trip to Germany with mates, 2005 or 6 maybe...we stayed over at Dover, were drenched BEFoRE we got on the boat and stayed like that for the NINE hours it too to ride to the hotel in the Eifel region. Getting off the boat and feeling water running down the inside of my boots wasn't the greatest feeling, and finding out if you pay £150 for a waterproof jacket its nothing like waterproof. Stopping every 80 miles because we had to, aquaplaning everywhere, but what makes it most memorable was Dementor....nearly there, we stop thinking the hotel we pulled in at was it, de-glove, then they set off! He has no time to get his gloves on so shoves them in the cockpit or his numpty...dark, cold, wet he loses both wheels with a 8' drop off the edge of the road, proper enduro drifting stuff while he was reaching for his glove that was dropping out. No idea why we weren't calling an ambulance, it was over 60mph easy, and he was all arms and legs....I laughing like a drug crazed hyena all the rest of the way