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What's Your Plans For The Weekend?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by JenC, Aug 21, 2015.

  1. I'll be like a 9 year old at Christmas this evening, no sleep for me!
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. I'm still like that every night just because it's in my Garage.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Love You Love You x 1
  3. I hope the feeling stays. It's my first new bike, replacing my much loved 600rr.

    I hope it delivers and gives me the smiles per miles the CBR has :)
    • Like Like x 1
  4. If it doesn't then there's something wrong with you and not the bike :)
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Essex Air Abulance Run.
    Dunton - Harwich.
    Going on 907 with another 907.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. There'll be a great BBQ going on at my place.....oh and @Tobytyke will be announcing something special too ;):upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  7. He has.....on the 'Last Shout' thread :)
  8. heading off to blairdrummond on the 848 shortly, stopping in at the snack van on glenogle for a coffee and smoke. theres offten a few bikes there and usually a duc or two. say hello this time ya grumpy feckers :upyeah::smile:
  9. thot you was takin the kids ??
  10. Went to loomies for the first time today..... Rsv4 meet and happened to meet kingfisher on his tuono.... What a thoroughly nice bloke! Nice to meet you!
  11. i did, as always i persuade the wife she needs to take one of the kids mates. and you know what that means dont ya? :upyeah::smile:
  12. did you enjoy your ride then ??;)
  13. deffo. v.nast smash just in front of me north of callinder on the way back. couple of cars racing dont know how many others where taken out along with it. 5 ambulances 2 fire engines 7 cop cars. had to turn round come back via drymin lochlomond. bit freeky coming over glencoe in the dark. but worse for all those involved for sure.
    question. why do they call them headlights on an 848?
  14. i hate to see crashes , ( who said they were racing ? )
  15. They light the cylinder heads up? :smile:
  16. They guy who couldn't keep up with them :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. well thats prob q a few then, but really says nothing, we all know what most peeps on the road are like o_O
  18. friends of ours where five minutes ahead they where deffo racing as they over took them at kilmahoag two mls up the road one of them was on its roof in a field and cars all over the place.
  19. thats being kind to them. they is bollox.
  20. suc
    such a shame,, hope no one hurt bad,, and such a lovely stretch of road ..
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