Does that mean "Date me, OK?". If not, I don't really know what it means and to be honest, it would never have occurred to me, if I saw it on a vehicle, that that is what it is supposed to me. Maybe it isn't . I don't really do plate-speak (no practice, there isn't any around here). It looks like a thing to get rid of. Sorry.
Way too abstruse for me, but so long as females know what it means, I suppose that's the important thing!
But has anyone else? In which case, is it valuable? Personally, I don't want anyone knowing my name on a bike. A plate is purely for the rozzers to nick me. The more unidentifiable the better.
I'd never sell it. It was a 18th birthday from my gran. Got offered 1k for it years ago by a guy named Damo and a surname with k. But I couldn't sell it hence its been on retention for ages.
Put it on either that means if i see you at a meet then ill know its you....sure ive walked past loads of people on this forum and not known who they ill know which one to push over!