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Which Fuel?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Boomshanka, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. My understanding is supermarket fuels don't have the adatives that premium brands have
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Don't you remember a few years ago about bmw cars piston & cylinder damage by some additive or other. I always have used it. Never had any problems. Probably all comes from same refinery.
  3. There are very few refineries in the UK so yes, it is very likely that the ‘petrol’ element of what hits the pumps comes from the same place. However, the final blend is I understand, made to order. We have at least one refinery worker amongst our number so hopefully they can corroborate or not as the case may be. Andy
  4. I have an ASDA credit card so get cash back and have ran a Golf TSI for 3 years and then a Mondeo 1.5 ecoboast petrol for just shy of 3 years only on ASDA petrol with 0 issues, In the early days over 20 years ago ?) supermarkets didn't check the quality of they tanks or sitting fuel so there was some problems ,they have addressed now
  5. Last year @Ben Mallinson got a tank full of shit in his Pani from a supermarket while we were on a run - wasn't that Asda Ben?
  6. I use shell or bp premium wherever possible and top up with them as soon as I can after having to use supermarket fuel. I definitely avoid tesco in mkt rasen and the filling station at St Ninians crossroads at the top of bray hill, two places where the SPS has run like a bag of shit for a day or two after filling up.
  7. Tesco is the only station near us. There is a shell garage but the prices suck. Sometimes as much as 10p dearer.
  8. Only had a problem once when low on fuel and used a small out of the way fuel place in France, a few coughs and sputters for about 50 miles before I could put in more fuel at a busy fuel stop.

    Lesson is to use a busy fuel station that sells a lot of fuel and has its tanks regularly topped up with new supplies. The fuel in small out of the way places may have been in poor tanks for many weeks and may well get water mixed in with the fuel.
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  9. Fake news put out by oil companies.
    All fuel meets the EU standard for fuel and that is what Ducati works with.
    Many people believe that if they pay more, they get more, not true. Words like Super or Premium are not very technical when referring to fuel either, makes thickos think they are better.
  10. The base product is all the same the premium brands then put in there chosen additives which supermarket brands don't add
    Morrisons unleaded may not be the same as shell unleaded even though the octain ratings are the same
  11. Tescos has issues with fuel contamination in the past, i may (I say may as Tescos settled without accepting liability) have had it destroy a catalytic converter in one of my cars with the red hot contents fired out of the exhaust; the engine failed shortly after.
    I did some rearch on this a while ago which i cant find now so this could be BS but Tescos momentum is one of the best performing petrols but it does have a high ethonal content so it results in more sooty deposits.

    Whilst the base material is the same, not all fuels are the same. 'Premium' fuels in addition to have had the marketing team give it a snazzy name tend to have a higher octane and different additives. The level of ethonal (a sustainable fuel source) will also vary. The level of ethanol in fuels is set to increase too to meet sustaiable fuel targets not great because it causes rubber to perish and absorbs water if left for long periods.

    I only put supermarket fuel in the family wagon (diesel and I don't care about it tbh), everything else drinks v power because I am a thicko ;)

    Edit: Found a link, which ive posted before,, that helps explain the ethanol bit. https://armchairbiker.com/ethanol-in-petrol-what-classic-bikers-need-to-know/
    #31 MDUBZ, Mar 5, 2019
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2019
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  12. My Ducati's wouldn't be seen broken down in a Supermarket station!

    (Do Waitrose sell fuel????)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I use Shell unleaded Premium in Canada as it has no Ethanol in it in Canada .
  14. I have 2 esso stations very close by so will be using them, just in case

    Weirdly today i filled up, the pump clicked, i raised the nozzle and it clicked a couple more times, bike was on side stand at an angle, 15 minutes drive later I was playing with setting and put it in “urban”. Fuel tank read just over half a tank, very. Odd but now im wondering if urban would affect the gauge? I only noticed this after changing the setting so may well be me underfilling but im sure I looked and saw the fuel close to the top.
  15. Thicko, with my premium advice you get less - no Ethanol :yum
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