Not my cup of tea, I like originality, that's why its not sold which is shame because from the description its quite a well sorted bike, I think you can buy much better, this is what I bought this summer
Very nice Carlos If you don't mind me asking, age mileage and how much?? I bid up to £1500 on the mint machine on Ebay but still didn't reach the reserve as I thought. Bids went as far as £1270 which TBH wasn't that much considering. As the paint job - at first I really was quite impressed and having a chat with the chap, he'd spent £1000 on the paint job alone!! The You Tube vids are pretty impressive. I asked for some pics of her undressed and that was the downfall really .... mutton dressed as lamb!! The more I look at her the more I loose interest, you're mixing old with new and I think it doesn't quite go but hey ho!!
£1100 26,000 miles, tons of history, unrestored and completely original so it's a bit scruffy under the fairings. All I've had to do so far is stick a set of tyres on it. Oh and it came with about £300 of spares.