Which Tuner Is The Best, And Why?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Shourn, Dec 5, 2014.

  1. have you considered that its not everybody else?
  2. They are all Christmas Grumps at the moment :)
  3. I like this one.
    I call him Jeff...
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. Jeff, stupid name for a tuna, everyone knows you should call him fin ...

    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. funnily enough jeff is my middle name. spooky.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. fin jeff skipjack, quite a handle! :Bag:
  7. it is cheers.
  8. That'll be a blue Fin then..

  9. yip, it was a bit chilly the day.
  10. Sean Mills..............Big CC's
  11. #33 Dave, Dec 6, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  12. Paul at Snells knows his stuff and of course Motorapido guys build WSBK quality engines. Not sure if Tony Brancato still operates
  13. You speak as you find and for me it's not just the ability of the person doing the job. Clearly competence is the main criteria to measure by but I need to feel a connection with the guys doing the job as well. It is my bike and I want an input into what is done. I have found that sort of relationship with the guys at Moto Rapido, don't care what they say about me behind my back because I've had some of the best service anywhere in 46 years of riding bikes. Andy
  14. Baines Racing.
    When I went to John and Geoff with my beloved SS all those years ago after my accident they not only sourced used parts for me to keep the cost down, but also when it came to tuning Geoff offered me two choices;

    I could have told him what I wanted or he could advise me on what he thought I needed, I took the latter and never looked back.

    For them it's never been about how much they can pull a customers pants down for, it's been about the quality of work and knowing the customer leaves happy.

    Other praise goes to Steve Jordan in Bookham and FCL in Cranleigh who looked after my bike and there have been many a time when they could have lined their pockets at my expense and didn't.
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