Cheers Paul. I did read that a few years ago, need to reread again I think. I thought as it is a new bike to me I would pay to get it set up by an expert, the results are not what I was expecting!
John on Wednesday have a go on mine and see if it feels the same. We had them set up same day by same bloke and I think mine is a little stiff too. I wonder if we complain we can get money back.
If you are meeting up, take a tape measure, some masking tape and measure the bugger together. Take something to adjust the preload with. Ideally the right tool or blunt screw driver and a hammer.... (For @Rman lol )
@MrAliT looks very nice, I feel a photo shoot coming on, now all we need is a nice bit of skirt to sit on them, I wonder what Bradders would look like in a tutu
Likewise Pete Roy and Paul, shame I wasn't ready for return run to Loomies as would have been good to see the 848 trio from rear perspective :smile: