Now a few funny tales from that bunker site, involving amorous couples thinking they were alone, they weren’t. Often military personnel were hiding in the bushes and sometimes gave the couples a fright by appearing out of nowhere.
I believe the bigger threat, is an Islamic terrorist group got hold of a small dirty atomic bomb. Countries like Iran would make one, and I have no doubt would supply one to attack the west. This could trigger a massive conflagration.
Sorry, I can't recall where any were, but my grandfather was in one of the groups and told me about them. He was in the Colchester area, so there must still be some around there. Some were hidden away underground in the countryside areas; others were near main roads and railway lines (and well hidden); others were actually in housing areas, usually in back gardens. Normally enough room for 4 - 6 blokes; two small rooms; entrances protected by blast walls (ie, the corridor turned a corner). Some entrances had stairs leading down from a simple manhole cover and with an escape route tunnel which was away from the entrance. The team had sticky bombs and other explosives for major sabotage; trip wires; small arms and grenades etc. No rifles apparently unless one of them was a sniper. Enough food for a couple of weeks. Medication etc. In some ways, I guess you could liken them to early Special Forces teams.
That's exactly the layout and construction of the one in my former back garden/woods. The other one we stumbled across this year looked very similar but the entrance was barred with a locked iron gate so we couldn't check. The one in my garden had stairs down into it at both corners, which then did a dog leg back into the room, and the underground rooms were indeed staggered in order to reduce the risk of blast travelling from one to the other
Bunkers all over the country! There are/were in excess of 1500 Royal Observer Corps Monitoring Posts built in the late 50's and 60's for use in a nuclear war. There will be one near where ever you live, have a look on Innocuous looking concrete structures with a steel door on the top, easily mistaken for a water supply facility but normally only found by chance before locations were de-restricted.
Must you alway call America by that name. Bloody childish and not necessary. There are a lot of Americans on this Forum who are not cunts.
I am not infact inferring that north-american people are so. I have made it clear to forgetful people on numerous occasions that the word I created is used by many for many reasons. My own; is for the officials in ussa who endanger all western values & society by ill-advised self-fulfilling propagation of death_culture mentality (weapons spending/soldiers dying unnecessarily/breaking international laws). Towards any nation who doesn't wish to give away for peanuts its resources or have dictators installed under the guise of 'freedom coups'. You just don't see the bigger picture, USA has over 1,000 foreign military bases....guess how many Russian Federation or China have kiddo. The urban-dictionry & its ilk are nothing to do with me, especially how they use or frame my terminology. People who co-opt it too be an all encompassing offensive term are xenophobic & simpletons. I don't subscribe too your narrative/nuanced opinion @Tomo76, I'm sorry you feel the incorrect affix of my prose in such a way.