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who else hates kids?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Definitely a 7.5/10, Funky.

    have to say a definite no. Got two lads who are loads of fun, really challenging, generally respectful (and will get a bollocking or a clip round the ear if not). They give measures of pride and sometimes frustration, but mostly pride.

    in summary, they are what you make them (part nature, part nurture).

    Then again, I am a sucker for punishment as I coach a couple of kids rugby teams whenever work travels permit.
  2. Can I change my opinion, with the latest Nursing Home Matrons I agree, no-one needs kids to care for them in later life!! I think by the time I'm 80 they will need to check more frequently than 15 minutes! (cue jokes about lasting longer)

    [h=1]Nursing home defends prostitutes’ visits[/h]The former manager of a nursing home has been forced to defend the level of “holistic care” offered to her patients after East Sussex council suggested that allowing prostitutes to visit her residents was inappropriate.
    Residents of Chaseley nursing home, in Eastbourne, referred to them as “special visits”. The home’s care workers would take the visitors to a resident’s room. They then put a “special red sock” on the door and checked on them every 15 minutes.
    The home, which mainly cares for disabled ex-servicemen, has long had a policy of facilitating sex workers. However a spokesman for the council said that it was unaware of the practice and was investigating because it “has the potential to place vulnerable ... residents at risk of exploitation and abuse.”
    Helena Barrow, the home’s former manager, defended her use of outside contractors. “Sex workers are allowed by law to sexually enable people but care workers are not,” she said.
    On one occasion the home organised a group activity, bringing in strippers to entertain residents.
    Tuppy Owens, from the Sexual Health and Disability Alliance, said: “Many disabled people are living in perpetual frustration. What’s illegal is for disabled people to be denied their human rights.”
  3. I have two fairly grounded kids.
    I am not their friend I am their mother I do rule with fear and they know my limits. They know when they have over stepped the mark
    They have been bought up to be respectful and polite and to behave
    They have their moments like all kids.
    They have never been allowed to scream and shout as young children or even now.
    I have taken them to eat out and have great manners.
    I wouldn't be without them
    It's hard work with great rewards most of the time.
    I'm not a clingy mum I allow them to be independent of me
    Both can cook and iron and can fend for themselves in the future.

    In my work I see out of control kids who are allowed to run riot
    The kids are given too many choices of what's bought.
    I have seen kids kicking and screaming at parents
    I do fear for the future because these kids are it.
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  4. I wasn't for a minute even hinting that parents have this in their mind when planning, just pointing out that it could be an unexpected blessing.

    as above - totally agree.
  5. Good rant funky. I agree with the general thrust but much of the problem comes down to poor parenting and an overbearing nanny state. Heaven help us when today's children breed, although some of them have already started :eek:
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  6. We were all kids once upon a time,and generally speaking all our parents had similar situations to deal with.I would gladly put my life on the line for my kids,its something that cannot be explained if you are not a parent,but alot of the time i curse my lot as i cannot get the tv remote control off them,nor find a seat to sit on in my house,but i would not change it for the world,when we laugh together it just the best.
  7. Funky, at sometime in your life, even you must have been someone's little bundle of joy :biggrin:

  8. my dad took early early retirement and took a part time as a handy man in a care home...he really changed his perspective on life as many of the residents were young (less than 50 yrs of age) but had been struck with dementia and other illnesses. one of the things that really hit him was the fact that so few of their children used to visit their parents..go figure.
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  9. Well they wouldn't want to bump into the prostitute on the way out! ;-)
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  10. That's pretty much me...
    Believe it or not I didn't bank on having children.
    Infact was told couldn't have them without "help" this was down to starving myself for many years...
    One day I felt rough as then it dawned on me ... I saw the result and threw up.

    My plan was really to work a bit then travel around the world .
    When home paint and be a devoting partner to someone who rocked my world and be artistic .. ( teenage dreams huh!)
    It all went Pete Tong!!!!!!!!

    I live next door to Mommy dearest ..
    And " chucky" as I refer to daughter .
    She screams all day and all night and mummy dresses up daughter just like her ( retch) .
    In the end I tried to be nice after no poxy sleep for 3 years .
    I got a load of verbal back.
    She could see I was about to go for her as I was so angry and held chucky infront of her!!!! Nice !!

    I hate mums like her sorry ..
    She can shove her Laura Ashley matching dresses where the sun doesn't shine ..
    At one point she was telling people do we really want a person like her here and her kids.

    Er my lads are respectful .. Polite and not bad boys.
    All kids have their moments we did as kids.
    She suddenly appeared pregnant after no bloke around for about a year..
    Probably the devils child.
    But grrrr the pink floral nauseating ness of this woman ..
    Oh best one was she tried to knock someone over trying to get in the space out side my house..
    Obviously person trying to park was furious.. Her answer " I have a child you know!" Yes don't we know! So do I and I park down the road and walk!

    The reason her kid is a spoilt horrible brat is she doesn't parent it ..
    8am off to childcare Mon-fri even on mothers 3 days off a week!!!!
    Child home at 4 .30 often in bed at 5.30 .. Then wakes up all night screaming .
    Despite being in mothers room with her .. Lazy arse mother won't get up.
    Granny comes round Friday - Monday morning to " look after child" between them they can't !
    It's a joke ...
    I'm an old Skool parent .
    The Whiney screams thing next door is our future..
    I loathe all those signs " princess on board" no it's your child ..
    There's your problem!!

    My boys are grounded and it's no nonsense here.

    I work with children for my job ( how did that happen!) the kids I work with are not spoilt :( some barely have cloths they stand in
    But on the whole great kids.

    It's this new breed of Mummy's little princess types that are a pain in the arse....

    Don't even get me started on school run Mums please !!!!! The most ignorant people on the planet!
    Laura Ashley Chelsea tractor driving 5 mins down road ...
    Highway Code ?? Indicators ???
    Has a law been passed to say these sorts don't have to use them?

    Makes me despair as a woman a parent and someone who works with a bunch of good kids!
  11. Good rant! Or rants.

    I have no kids, but after half a century and having done quite a lot of the things I wanted to, I'd be up for parenting now.

    A total faff, I bet, but probably a bit like having a dog. Mine requires continual house cleaning, feeding and attending to, vet visits and letting in and out. In a word, a lot more work than she should. But the day she's not here, it's going to feel very empty. Kids must be a more full-on version of that with bigger highs and bigger lows.

    My friends' kids vary, but most seem very well brought up and pleasant, interesting people. I well remember the visit of one slightly older friend and his four year-old daughter. She was insufferable: threw the earth from potted plants around the flat, stamped her foot and imperiously said "I want to go home!".

    About 18 years later, she's very good looking, narrowly missed a first at Cambridge, is studying for a pHD, is not remotely up herself and is a complete hoot. I always wondered how my mate managed to produce such a fab adult. Luck, surely, but he was always pretty laid back about everything. No goading to achieve, no placing her in the centre of the universe. Anyway, she's a really good advert for having kids.
  12. Having a dog is far easier :)
    I have and had both
  13. Shhhh!! don't let your kids read Viv ! (little Cherubs :smile:)
  14. Bring back the BIFF !!! :upyeah:
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  15. Im lucky I suppose. My two are generally polite and respectful. If I tell them to shut up they generally do. And while I'm relaxed with them, they KNOW when not to test me. Absolutely agree re everyone else's kids though! Hate the little f*ckers! :wink:
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  16. I don't have any children and I'm not a big fan of the idea. I see alot of truth in the posts in this thread and I rest most of the blame with the parents for bad behaviour etc. Personally I will only consider having a child if I know I can house, feed, educate and cloth them without having to make the kind of sacrifices where I cant afford to heat the house.
    Oh and kids should be banned from coffee shops. Period!
  17. When I was younger I thought that I would not want kids. I married a woman who did, and I changed my mind. We now have three great kids. It does completely change your life, but it is a great learning experience.
    So why did I change my mind?
    1) I was a child once, and my parents put up with my crap and turned me into a (partly) functioning human being, it seems ungrateful to say that I will not do that myself
    2) if no one had kids, humans would die out (probably unlikely, but taken to extremes could happen, e.g. Japan's woeful birth-rate)
    3) when you have children you change and grow immensely as a person. I now look back on some of my attitudes to children before I had them, and realise that I was way off target
    4) the problem of thoughtful and intelligent people choosing to not have children, and less thoughtful people popping them out like rabbits, is that thoughtful people are removing their genes from the gene pool and it'll get shallower and shallower
    5) if you are lucky enough to be able to have children, why not enjoy that? So many couples want children but cannot have them.
    I realise these are all easy to ignore based on personal views, but that's how it worked for me, what with being a bit arrogant and all.
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  18. 555319_151389491682678_1518693208_n.jpg

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  19. Haters gunna hate.
    (Insert humorous graphic meme here).
  20. Funky best rant for a while I just so love it 8/10 for effort. We need to meet for beer or Ace salad ;)

    Gliddofglood comparing having child to having a dog I love it. Do not think having a dog is harder, well except having a eat dog called chuwawa. It barks all the time, shits all the time, runs away to hide when it should take a stand. Costs money to run and brings back only grief.

    RedSquare I have no doubt what you are saying about changing when you got kids is truth. However for me it is part of the problem, not changing it self but expectation to do so.

    Most of the things that funky said are pissing me off. I would not say I hate children but I am impartial to it.

    I even liked the idea of having them when I was younger but the pressure of everyone around you to get married, to have kids, to start family, constant scaremongering you will change when you have your own well it flipped me to Funky's side.

    When you do not have kids you see how much annoyance they can be then if you couple that with all issues I mentioned above you start thinking fuck em all I do not want to change (yet I apparently will lots), I do not want to be a nuiscence to none kid owners. Finally as independent person I do not want to be told all the time I need to have kids/family. That grows resentment to idea.

    Finally just looking at how kids are raised currently no thank you. We are constantly being told how to raise our kids, well sorry that is parents call not gov or other parents.
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