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who else hates kids?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Forgot to add one more thing. Parents that say not all the kids are bad look at my kids.

    Parents news flash you are blinded by "parental love" odd thing. Almost never will you see your kids acting badly as that is how it goes. Trust others when they tell you your kids are bad, well to a degree ;).


    A 13y old little ass had a sit on my bike without permission, started jumping "acting ilk he is riding" twisting throttle full open (on carb bike it means petrol goes in to engine).

    Told him off and called him beetled prat saying get the f-off. Mother came along all angry at me shouting why do I shout at her kid he did nothing wrong. Kids will be kids line.

    That got me going I did say to her how would you like me getting to your car uninvited, unwanted and started jumping around on your seats. She just walked away, kid learned nothing.
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  2. Luca
    Even having kids doesn't make you immune to the horrors of others

    I see awful kids everyday but it's not the child's fault always

    I have heard mothers asking which one the child would like eg chocolate then when the child chooses one she says no they can have the other then the child tantrums
    Can you blame the child?
    Why bother asking in the first place
    Kids just want to join in and mother is so busy moaning at said child
    I often give the child a bag to pack light things or get them to unpack the basket/trolley diffuses the moment

    Another thing is parents that let kids run wild in cafe/coffee shop they are so busy talking they don't care

    Many kids are just left to their own devices with little parental control and constant whining/nagging at the child
  3. I one time tripped such a kid in Starbucks as it pissed me off ..... had to leave coffee shop FAST! :)

    I did also punch a 15-16y old teen right in the smacker after he was thinking it will be cool to slap a girlfriend of mine, at the time, in the ass. He was trying to impress his mates by skateboarding towards her and was thinking I will not catch him, his backpack was big.... Doubt he will do that again as his mates pissed them self laughing. Thank god it was Oxford as no one knew me :)
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  4. My kids wouldn't dare jump on someone's bike !!!!!!

    I was out having dinner a while ago in the evening.
    Having a nice time chatting.
    Table of 4 sets of parents arrive with kids.
    Next thing I know parents boozing away ignoring the kids.
    About 6 kids running around a restaurant ..
    Nearly sent poor waitress over with a load of hot food.

    Parents ignored .
    Then ran past me knocking my drink into my food.
    Ruining it.
    I shot the child a look got up and said excuse me , your kids have just nearly sent that waitress flying and now have knocked my drink over and ruined my dinner!
    This is a restaurant NOT a playground.
    I'm a parent and no way would I let my children run about.
    If that poor girl had have dropped hot food on your child you'd have sued her!!!!!
    So I suggest you stop downing the beer and get them to sit down before there's an accident!!!

    I got but there just kids!!!!
    I said and in a minute burnt kids!!!!

    They then said "oh let's just go!!"
    The staff thanked me and said we couldn't say anything :( as we'd get in trouble.
    My boys are not saints but they wouldn't do that!!!!!!!
    I can take them out to eat !!!

    I just give a death stare!!
    Parents today don't know about the Death stare!!!!!

    It's parents sadly ...
    I seriously think parenting classes should be compulsory to people!!!
    Just to clue them up!!!!

    Sort this namby pamby lot of parents out!!
    My friend has 6 kids.... Impeccable polite and a delight.....
    Next door one ... Demon child !!
    Cause It's " don't do that darling"

    I was sent to bed , no dinner and made to eat it cold for brekkie!!! Not kidding even if I was gagging I had to sit til I'd eaten it!!
    Soon sorted me out!

    I like most kids.
    I don't like wishy washy parents.

    Can we have a child free coffee house PLEASE!! Some days I just want a coffee without paying a fortune to take a sip and be surrounded by shrieking screaming and stuff :(

    I work with kids I'm a parent ...
    Please please someone help me !!
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  5. Might his wife have had something to do with it ?

    And dare I say it, genes ?
  6. it's not always the parents who are at fault for children's behaviour. I took my boys to a swimming place - wave machines, slides - and saw a big kid of maybe 11 holding a weedy kid wearing armbands (not a good swimmer maybe) under the water. The weedy kid got out and immediately the fat kid tried to pull him back in. I was worried that the little kid was being bullied so I told the fat kid to stop. He came right up to me, shouting and swearing and went to punch my face, stopping at the last minute. This went on for a few minutes and not wanting to get so annoyed that I'd launch him into orbit, I told him to stop, turned and walked away. He came back up to me and repeated the 'punching' and swearing. So I pt my hand on his face and pushed him away from me. Immediately, he stopped abusing me and went in search of an adult in 'authority' to back him up.

    The boys and I went elsewhere and forgot about it. Eventually tho, he found us and brought his mother and aunties to tell us off. I explained to her what I'd seen and what he'd done and suggested that she might want to moderate his behaviour, otherwise he'd end up in trouble with the Police. From her reaction, he already had...

    I guess what I'm saying is that it's the business of all of society to point out to people that their behaviour is wrong. Sometimes, standing up to people is the right thing to do.
  7. This is the important issue here, IMHO. It's the eugenic argument - not every person will have or needs to have children, but it is better for the long term future of the human race if those with good brains do and dumb-asses don't. Unfortunately as birth rates drop the world over, that is not what is happening.
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  8. I agree fully with the todays out of control 'parenting as an olymic endeauvour' attitude of todays striving to perfection parents..
    whereas there are even much more parents where children should be taken away for theirs and our sakes..

    and, being also in the care home business, it goes through life that all ages carry nice people and utter moronic a-social nitwits.. this starts from day one and stops on the last...

    now therefore to hate children is something else entirely..
    the problem with not having children is that you cannot understand what they mean to you until they are there..

    i conceived mine when i was in my hayday yachtracing days... never home... couldn't care less about having them .. was like an alien watching thier mum go through pregnancy and was reading up on racing when she was squeezing my hand and flipping open and closed like a swiss army knife in labour..

    there was nothing remotely romantic about standing in a room where you could just as well slaughter a cow and about the faint smell of warm belly water...
    it was even less romantic when the doc cut het to let the head pass.. let alone the mushy hairpiece sticking out first... and seeing you wife empty herself on the docs shoes...

    but still, and this is instant, once Q was out, the bond was emmidiate ( talking nannoseconds) and anyone lifting a finger to him would have been killed instantly by me ripping hteir heart out...

    i found over the years that you kids are the only thing that gives sense. All the rest is nonconsequencial... you can leave your wife, change jobs, go live in the desert or on a mountain, sell all you've got
    , sqander all your means.. the only thing that will really stick is them.

    i never would have thougth that after being a dad to my own, i know care very deeply about M's three 21,17 and 15 year old... and i consider myself the richer for it..
    and if there is one comparisson with bikes :

    you only will get out what you put in ... that may be genes, that may be gentleness, that will be rightiousness and it will be discipline...
    many parents complaining about their kids should first look at themselves... many an adult's distress can be referred back to their childhood...
  9. Indeed.

    Yer lefties reward the feckless for breeding and penalise the prudent who can no longer afford to have kids, mind the righties aren't much better.

    Bleeding heart liberals the lot o' them :eek:
  10. I want to contribute to this, but Im not sure what I should say.

    I have a 13 year old, who I haven't seen for over a year. My ex, his mother and I haven't been together since he was a year old, and with the passage of time, we have both moved to different areas, so seeing him became more difficult, especially since I work shifts, nights and weekends, so conventional access arrangements don't work.

    My ex and I have very different ideas about parenting, where she is more of the 'lets be friends with our kids' school of thought, I'm his dad, and while I don't think that I have been overly strict with him, its a different sort of relationship to that with his mum.

    Anyway, at Christmas last year, he told his mum that he doesn't want to see me anymore, and she thinks that this is just fine, so supports his decision. This came completely out of the blue, as he has always enjoyed staying with me and my wife (who he has known since he was 3) so I can only assume that someone has put some crazy ideas into his head, that he refused to talk about.

    I have never pursued legal action over access arrangements, because I didn't want to antagonise my ex, and anyway, if the child claims that they don't want to see you its game over from that angle.

    I don't think that I have been particularly articulate trying to put this down right now... Even though it all happened a while ago, I'm still having trouble reconciling everything.

    Hate... Thats an awfully strong word
  11. this is a very sad story...one that is all too common im afraid....and one that never ever ends....not until you snuff it anyway....

    hate is a strong word i agree..perhaps i should have said 'generally intensely dislike' but it wouldnt have made for such a snappy title to my thread...

    on a humorous note...a little spoilt shit (about 9) that i am forced to teach and whom is forced to learn gave me his new christmas pressie guitar to tune...it was way way way too high when he handed it over. i told him so and that the strings may snap..the neck was bowing like a freakin banana...sure enoughski, i touched the first tuner..PING!..thar she blew....he starts ranting and kicking off, sulking, pouting, folded arms....i touched the 2nd tuner..PING!....now he starts shouting, accusing, crying...lickle fukka...

    so, out of the goodness of my kind nature i replaced the one of the strings (didnt have the other spare)..the string costs £1 or so..i received no thanks of course..instead he scolded me and telling me he would tell his dad....so fkn what?? i'll drop the tw@t if he's as dim as the kid...

    soooo, next instalment...he was fekkin around the other day in a 'lesson'..the other 2 kids were sitting on a sofa (i had to teach them in a waiting area outside the heads office.....thats education for you)....the sofa was in a corner, about 18" away from the wall on 2 sides..

    he was in his wellies (because there had been 0.00004mm of precipitation) with his brand new guitar around his neck...he kept jumping on the sofa, kindly printing footprints onto it...i told him to sit down, dont dirty the sofa, he might fall over blah blah fkn blah...

    Tool kept on, yelling 'im a rockstar' and pretending to play this guitar around his neck..then he takes his final bounce on the sofa..and joy of joy, lost his balance...his face went from this stupid screwed up guitargasm face to blank confusion, as the dawning realisation of the effects of gravity began to take place..then his ugly mug went into a twisted, contorted screwed up scrotum as he fell backward off the sofa, literally flipping upside down, arms failing, and delightfully slamming his empty skull into the wall with a satisfying BANG!!!...his frantic body slid down the wall from as went inverted onto his swede and disappeared from view trapped between the wall and the settee...

    .....then the guitar that was strapped around his pencil neck became a slave to the laws of physics as my newest best friends: gravity, momentum, and centrifugal force sent the instrument flying backwards with him like a flying boat anchor...bang!! into the wall followed by a soft thud, followed by groans, all that was left to see were his 2 bright yellow soled wellies sticking up from the back of the sofa...absofknlutley brilliant...how i didnt soil myself i still dont know...

    as if that wasnt cool enough i got to see him try and crawl out from behind the settee, thoroughly humiliated...one of the other kids starts giving it..."aahhh......your guitar..i bet youve scratched it".."No i aint" he said as he turned it around, exhibiting its resplendent new chips and gouges..in fact it looked convincingly vintage...

    little knob giving it mouth about me damaging his 'tuned 50 octaves about concert pitch, neck bowed like a banana' piece of sh1t guitar (that doesnt see the light of day from one week to the next) and now the little turds has rocked himself into oblivion with a great fat egg on his head....NO TEARS THOUGH.....how weird...managed not to cry when he slammed his skull into the wall and got a fat lip when the axe bit back....bet he crys like baby when he cant have the remote...
    #51 funkyrimpler, Jan 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
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  12. I don't hate kid's I just can't eat a whole one.
    No.2 son was a great kid up to the age of 14.Then he got himself a new group of friends and changed. After that it was a long string of court days and me having to pay the fine's.
    Arson,criminal damage,theft,racially agravated abuse,firearms offence and assault on my wife/his mother. (for which I payed the fine)!!!
    All through this I was getting shit from social service's and the educational mob threatening me with jail because he never went to school.
    He's now 19 and a different person again, covered in crappy tat's and admits that he was a complete arsehole.
    We now get on fine together but I will never trust him again and nothing he does will ever surprise me.
  13. F*ck me!! I thought the music lessons at my school were a bit hard!! :-D
  14. I hear you on this a bit. I have two 11 year olds that their Mum took 3500 miles away. I spend about 35% of my income now traveling back and forth to see them. 13 is a difficult age for a boy and you're right, who knows what's being planted in his ear. I wouldn't push on it but I'd get him on the phone every now and then and ask if it's what he really wants. If he says yes, I'd say I respect that and leave him alone for a while. Give him a Xmas and Birthday phone call and each time extend the offer to see him if he wants to meet.
    Kids pick up on stuff quickly and if his Mum is poisoning him against you while you're doing nothing but being nice, he'll soon tumble to it. Might take a year or two but I'd give it a try. I'm no family counsellor or anything and you weren't asking for advice but I hope things work out for you as it's clear you miss your boy. Good luck.
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  15. :biggrin:

    Top rant. I've got 4 kids (3 teenagers) and can fully understand why people don't like'em.

    And I hate other people's kids... :upyeah:
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  16. I thought this was hilarious.
    Grimm couldn't have told it better!
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  17. I agree :upyeah: most excellent

    I think you should turn your hand to story telling rather than teaching
  18. That is a very good idea.
    Can't remember seeing a funny book about music teaching. There are funny books about just about everything else.
  19. it's even 'quotable' ! :- " and delightfully slamming his empty skull into the wall with a satisfying BANG!!!.." :upyeah:
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