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who else hates kids?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Headmistresses furniture claims another scalp

    Yep....another day, another kid, another scalp..this time it was the large footstool that bit back!!
    One of the nicer kids was hopping around on it, guitar in hand when suddenly..OOPS! the footstool tipped over sending the kid bouncing flat on her back onto the padded stool and then sent flying forwards, legs akimbo and arms flailing for purchase in a sort of Britney Spears trademark 'airgrab'. The unrestrained, strapless guitar was sent flying with a shuddering clatter onto the floor shortly following by the kid!! epic...Gravity is quickly becoming my lover..
    However once again my utter professionalism shone through as i kept my face poker straight...that was until i left the building, whereupon i was left leaning on the wall, propped on my arm, head down, breathless and dizzy with laughter until i began coughing up phlegm...then it was the usual round robin of texts....if I could video this stuff it would be a youtube sensation....ive had nothing for ages and then suddenly two fails come along in consecutive weeks...i might wear a seat belt when i rock up next week!
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  2. theres a lot in this..ive read much about human behaviour, body language, social psychology and the like..
    one of the biggest factors of course is the higher levels of testosterone in the male and the smaller corpus callosum (the conduit that joins both hemispheres of the brain)..this means that there is less communication between both sides of the brain..as a consequence men tend to do less 'dithering' and communicate much more directly using less words...women in business are often taught on courses how to converse in this manner so that they are perceived to be a 'stronger' or more decisive person...women with a larger corpus callosum have a brain that communicates much more and so tends to have more empathy or 'womens intuition'...women are much more socially aware than men and are far better at reading non verbal clues as to status, social dynamics or sexual attraction etc they say the average women will say 20,000 in a day, whereas a man will say 7,000.

    Two men that havent seen each other for years could spend an entirely happy day 'catching up' by sitting on a river bank fishing, barely exchanging a word...however a group of women can all talk to and at each other and still be able to speak and hear at the same time..to a man, this is an arguement...!

    its all relative of course, no one sex has the upper hand..we evolved to lead different roles back in the day..some men are very empathetic and paternal, some women are not maternal and very logical, plus a million variations in between...
    male brains are usually more concerned with technical things, problem solving and suchlike, female brains are generally more interested in people than things, relationships and so on...
    look at adolescents playing on the school fields..buys rough house, run around, play football and have lots of energy...girls tend to sit in circles talking and texting and trying to work out why this person said XY and Z to so and so...
    Another thought too is that evolution takes far less risks with females as they are so valuable in reproduction terms..a womans fertility is much shorter than a mans, and her reproductive 'potential' is limited to the gestation period of a baby..a male, theoretically could impregnate the entire tribe of females, or have many mates (or wives)..long term survival was much less likely for a male in his role as defender/hunter...'Genius' is much more common in males, but so are mental and physical disorders...sons often develop diseases that are carried down whereas the daughter will become another carrier and is immune..
    A great book is 'The Human Sexes' by Desmond Morris where he explores in great depth all the differences of the human male and female brain and its development right from the earliest stages within the foetus...
    #82 funkyrimpler, Feb 1, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  3. Yes that's all true and interesting :)
    Im an oddball then .
    As I find other females ( unless they are like me ) hard to deal with.
    I'd rather talk bikes down the pub then soaps :(
    I'm not overly maternal .
    my body clock must be close to running out of batteries :)
    I have no desire to have any more children .. Or go coo over babies..
    yet show me some shiny metal or the sound of a dry clutch and it would be like wafting a bottle of wine and chocs and a top shop voucher to most women :)

    I hate shopping .. I'm not a girlie girl :(
    I wear make up and stuff love men .
    Just can't be around women and chit chat drives me mental :(
  4. At school my parents where called in ( primary)
    Because it was odd their daughter kept playing in the dirt with the hot wheels cars and kicking a football.

    They actually banned me !!!

    This will make you laugh ..
    My school fail although it was not my fault.
    I was sitting on one if those plastic school chairs with metal legs.

    Some vile kid pulled my chair out from under me.
    I fell right on a metal chair leg :(
    Age 8 ..
    That day I learnt the meaning of split your difference :(
    I couldn't walk properly for ages :( :(
  5. could have quite happily slapped a few Salisbury chavettes today with their pushchairs in one hand and phone and fucking oversize handbag with their dole cheque in the other
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  6. i dislike kids, funky is spot on.
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