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Who has the best number plate then???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, May 21, 2013.

  1. We have a private plate on retention from our old Saab which will soon go on its replacement, but do enjoy having a laugh at the plate that is on at the mo, which starts BJ08!!!
  2. "Subeuqra"???
  3. No my real name, you Oppih Desserts
  4. ok, so who has

    V2 DUC
    D3 SMO

  5. On my van, S 81RDS
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  6. This thread is great for anybody looking to clone some number plates :wink:
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  7. Point well made. That's exactly why I have not put mine up on here!
  8. Back in the good old champagne socialism days, I believe Derek Hatton used to be driving around in a flash car with the plate D3GSY.
  9. Tarbuck used to have COM 1C

    Paul Daniels had MAG 1C

    and of course the famous one PEN 1S was owned by Steve Parrish

  10. A mate has SN4TCH
  11. More like FU2 :biggrin:
  12. That was on Fiona Richmond's Mini (Paul Raymond's bit on the side; allegedly)......
  13. Many years ago I had an RD250LC which ended in OTT, I know have a Panigale ending in WTF, I love it, kinda suits what I said on the first test ride!! :))
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  14. Who has the smallest number plate? :tongue:
  15. Better cover mine up every time I take the van out then, just in-case someone sees it !!
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  16. I think you'll be okay on that one, unless of course you are part of the Mercedes Vito forum as well :biggrin: I just worried about members popping their registration numbers on a widely visible forum as it is pretty easy to find out what each member rides
  17. LA???? And some numbers?
  18. I have something Duck...
    But came with bike
  19. We have one " poo " at work
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