Who has the best number plate then???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by PeterT, May 21, 2013.

  1. bit harsh having a limit on them at work
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  2. next they'll be posting up where they live on a map...

    oh, hang on
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  3. I've got *H08NOB on my GSA :biggrin:
    Unfortunately people only see the NOB part, but still scan it as personalised :mad:
  4. My mate has HY57PER on his Hyper. Came with the bike.
  5. I have a personalised plate. Then again my name is C971CVP (not my real reg no)
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  6. I want the plate 4 COF
  7. You can't have SN4TCH - it is not a uk configuration?

    I have BL51 BUB for those who know but no Diavel to go with it - anyone want it for theirs?
    Also have GN08 OFF :smile:
  8. I have T120Y L for sale if anyone wants it for there Troy Baylis rep
  9. I was offerred RO55O GP when I bought my D16RR ... £5K or summat like that LOL!
  10. I have a randomly selected combination of letters and numbers, can't imagine why anyone would want (and especially pay extra for) anything different...?
  11. Vanity?
  12. Well, yours is a personalised plate then isn't it !!!!! - normal plates have area and year designations so are not random letters and numbers at all. :biggrin:
  13. well mine ends in fud sort of describes the noise it makes when i hit it ..................
  14. I have a personal plate on my car but not bike. The best plate I've seen was on a McLaren MP4-12C, it was KN08 BER, put together as 'KNOBBER'! :upyeah:
  15. did have an interesting one on a subaru impreza ended in enb but whole thing put together looked like nobend :biggrin:
    and at one point work mates did doctor it to say that drove all the way home didnt notice the wife pissed herself laughing as i pulled up..........
  16. I once saw some cock that was driving a BMW 7 series in Manchester with the plate A11 GUY

    What a supercilious cock end :rolleyes:
  17. No poos allowed at work :) :) the loos are a thin wall away from my desk!
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