Am I overweight? No. I weigh about 2 or 3 kg more than I'd like to, but it's just vanity. I'm about 84kg for 5'10", 32 inch waist. Until the age of 40, I could eat pretty much anything. Now some little care needs to be taken. But I barely eat biscuits and crisps or sweets, or desserts. I eat all of those on occasion, but I just don't buy any. I don't eat nearly as much cheese as I'd like to. Don't eat ready-meals either - always cook at home. The veg garden keeps you healthy. You burn calories working in it, and all the fab veggies are great to eat. I drink wine most days, not so much beer (pubs here are crap or non-existent and the beer is mainly euro-fizz. I don't do diets, and I try to get some exercise a few times a week, but I don't train for anything. Crap knees curtailed my running about 10 years ago. But I have worked out that you rarely see a fat cyclist - of the sort that is going out deliberately to cycle. Would really like a proper racing bike so as soon as I have any cash, I'm going to get one. Plenty of places to go on it, but that'll inevitably mean even less motorcycling. There just isn't the time to do everything. I reckon the easiest way to be svelte-ish, is not to put any weight on in the first place. So I have a body fascist refusal to do so. Shifting the stuff, even a couple of kg, without a lifestyle change is tricky. I need a bit more pool, a bit more cycle. Wonder if the knee is up to playing squash again? I loved doing that. Might give it a whirl.
Steak yes Curry no chicken yes, All fruits and veg that grow above the ground or in trees etc... Think cave man, do a google search the diet is getting popular. No processed food, Milk, eggs etc all ok
I used to be able to eat anything Late teens I was vile , come in from the pub with takeout and then get up and eat it cold for brekkie . I eat porridge lots really love the stuff and not with sugar. Must get some books on soup as have a soup maker and I like soup Now I walk past the cake shop and I swear I suck up the calories. I have to say I prefer big guys .. or stocky a few extra pounds on a man has never bothered me better then bones!
F me man no I'll pass. No potatoes that is a salad ffs. I could do without beans part but no bread and no potatoes?! I am also addicted to milk so have bones made of steel (mile but steel).
Soup! Now you're talking! Soup is the complete business. It's cheap, it's fun and easy to make. It's basically water and it fills you up. I reckon anyone who ate a big bowl of soup for lunch and another bowl as starter for dinner would lose weight. I recommend the book Soup Kitchen. If you look for it on Amazon you'll find my review of it. I even have two copies. One stays at work so I can quickly scoot out and buy soup ingredients.
I should probably just forage in my garden. I could come up with quite a lot of hazelnuts and walnuts and apples.
I hated it first, but now it has become a challange to only eat what i can pick (buy) and what i can Kill (all meats and animal products that are not processed)
Now that is something i enjoy too and you are right about it filling you up for not too much fat. I ampartial to a roasted red pepper and kabanos soup though the cream doesnt help.....
I find McDonalds breakfasts work for me, don't eat anything until tea time when I've had one. Apart from the odd Big Mac and double cheese burger to see me through of course.
When I'm on nights I only eat quality cereal. Sandwiches at two in the morning lie on your stomach like a wet sock. This seems to help control my weight and don't be tempted when you crave a chocolate hit. Go for fruit instead.
Ah, i remember nights...........:wink: now that really did screw up my body, kebabs at 0200hrs, team pizzas on searches, someone cooks a mahoosive curry.........
Shagging can be good for weight loss, depending on the position, obviously :biggrin:. Know what you mean about shift work. Used to have takeaways delivered and barbecues at 1 in the morning. I now take an apple and a choccy biscuit when I`m nights and I`ve lost 5kgs in the last month.