Just to spend time with my family is enough.With my daughter visiting for a few days this will make Xmas perfect.
My wife said she wanted a present, so I thought I'd give her one. At least one of us would be satisfied ! :Angelic:
I am having easy Xmas this year. Flying home so no need to do any decoration hehe. As for gifts as family we never did big presents and long it continue as that means I can do 50% of my shopping on airport (chocolate!!!!!).
My parents used to fill my head with ridiculous notions, like the existence of the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and of course, Santa. I now no longer believe in this bollocks , thank God
It is on the list. I even know who gets which one Now tell it to rest of parents I mean how much distress you had on a day you found out? Think about it your parents were lying to you Black on White world was never the same after that
Oh come on, as parents we can tell our kids the traditional myths and legends about fairies, angels, Santa Claus, pantomime plots, the nativity, and works of fiction - it's all OK. What is not OK is outright lying; swearing that myths are literally true, so that when you are inevitably caught out as a liar trust is corroded. That's a bad idea.
Have you ever been 6 or 7 when you found out Santa is not real it was a tragedy of my childhood and I seen same tragedy on faces of other kids, some that I told
The decorations are now up. Took just over 30 seconds to hang a photo of the mother in law on the front door. That should keep the fecking carol singers away!
The Christmas Story, Kiwi style. Check out the 'donkey', the 'angry innkeeper' and the smallest of the 3 kings:
The next time Wantz passes the celebrations as says 'well it is christmas ' NO it's not bloody christmas it's the 5th of frkikin December