1200 DVT Why Did I Do It?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Light Buzzyear, Mar 19, 2015.

  1. Have you ridden one yet?!
  2. Twin feel opposed to in-line 4 or six for me is sound, rattle and low end torgue. When you drive twin bike everybody around you hear there is motorcycle coming. Twin engine rattles and shakes so you notice it is alive. I even like the low end hesitatiton that ds 1000 and 1200 models make. You have to order the machine to behave the way you want. It is in a way a horse that need some wipping. The low end torgue and Desmo power peek feeling that goes from 5000-10000 rpm is something not easy to explain. You have to feel it.
  3. Ah, I see what you mean.

    Bradders, yes I did an hours test ride on one and he description above is I think what I did get from it.

    The things seemed to have a lot of shake rattle and roll about it - especially at low revs. The harder I twisted it the more the thing seemed to dial in. That wasn't what I am used to really. It "wanted some" basically and horse analogy re the whipping is bang on - exactly that!

    I got back on the K6 to go home and the bike was just more refined in all areas - smoother power delivery, no shake rattle and roll, happy to bumble along knowing power was there if needed. The Multi on the other hand was shouting "don't just sit there man" to me all the time. A bit like a horse that needs taking to stalls by itself - not in a happy frame of mind and totally wound up. If I wanted to bumble along she did so but she really wasn't happy about it. So yes, if that was the engine characteristic on display I suppose I did sort of get it. I just assumed that was something to do with the brand and not the fact one has six cylinders and the other has two.

    The next day I had real mixed feelings about the experience. My mind was a bit scrambled egg as to whether or not I should go for it or stick to refinement. In the end it came down to - two bikes parked outside this morning; the BMW and the Multi. You can ride one and only one for today. Which is the bike you throw a leg over? That did it for me. Must have been something addictive about that bike! Fun.
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