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Why ride a motorcycle?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Stressed Hippo, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. I like that...still thinking of a comment ha ha, left my self open to that :wink:

  2. I have a terrible suspicion that a lot of bikers think that women find bikes sexy but in general they don't.

    I'm sure some do, but I bet it's not nearly as many as we would like to believe. Be quite interesting to get the girls' POV.

    Anyone care to comment on that?
  3. Well the original 916 is a very sexy bike indeed - it was the first bike I really noticed - that stood out from all the same old same old in the magazines - but as to whether riding a motorbike makes a man sexy, then the answer is no.
  4. Speshly those that wear one piece leathers with a baggy arses. That'll be me then :frown:
  5. well never dated a bloke that didn't own a motorcycle so I guess I can't comment
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  6. Well I guess this could be classed as sexism. My wife knows the dangers or riding a bike but she thinks its sexy as I'm different to your normal every day bloke/women.. We have a understanding of life, we have a understanding of our surroundings,we have the understanding of danger and excitement, we now the risks we take every day and she appreciates my passion and love for all 2 wheels, she understands why I have to leave the mcn by the toilet, she understands why I have to buy all the bikes mags every month, she understands why I spend ages on eBay trolling through mindless offers looking for that one thing that will make be better, she understands why I have to clean to my bike for no apparent reason, she understands why I have to record and watch Moto GP, WSB, BSB American chopper, cause she understands I'm a biker.
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  7. Why ride a motorcycle?

    What else are you supposed to do with it?

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  8. I rest my case. (Though the sample size is admittedly small.)
  9. Clean and polish it when the weather is shite. Any excuse to avoid DIY!
  10. is the correct answer :upyeah:
  11. .......can't really put it into words but it happened again today!!:wink::upyeah:
  12. To quote Tom Jones "It happens every day". I used to wonder what that meant. But now I know. I'm out on the Daivel tomorrow.
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  13. I can remember the very moment I got into bikes. World of sport was on telly and my dad called me in from the garden, "Come and watch this race, Al, it's unbelievable!" That was my first sighting of Barry Sheene. But Sheene only started the rot, an unknown rider cemented it. As I cycled to school a bike used to pass by every morning - it was his fault.

    The bike was jet black apart from the shiny alloy engine (it turned out to be a Vincent), the rider wore all black leathers, and a rare-at-the-time full-face black helmet. The bike sounded like Thor farting. I so wanted to be that bloke. And in time I became him, albeit without the Vinny. I saved some pocket money and bought a Honda C100. I've never been without a bike since.

    And so it went on, bigger, faster, better bikes came and went. Girlfriends, cars and alcohol, and drugs. The bikes faded slightly after I passed my car test, but there was always one knocking around, and after two winters dispatch riding I was starting to hate them. But something happened. My brother told me he was riding to the south of France for the Bol D'Or, and asked if I'd like to tag along. Would I!

    My first tour was hilarious; me on the mighty MZ chasing a 750 and two thou's to Bandol, it remains the best holiday I've ever had, and I've been totally in love with bikes ever since.:upyeah:
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  14. I have only been riding for 4 years plus a year of pillion. I didn't really have an excitement to ride to start I was happy annoying the rider to take me out till he told me to get my own.
    I did however love the 900SS and my love affair with Ducati started.
    I joined in with DD racing and did my bit of pit crew learning alot about the SS but harbouring a wish to go out and race, so I bought my bike then passed my test.
    Wow I loved the freedom being able to switch off from life and focus on arriving home safe.
    It means new friends of many I have made through meets, coffee,DD and the forum.
    It's another world where people talk to you help you out and want to hear of your travels.
    I quite like the admiration I get from my non biker friends.
    Overall getting ready to ride, pulling the sexy bike out of the garage, gloves on helmet on start up and go.
    I don't find men sexy on bikes but what I do find nice is riding out with my partner and sharing the experience.
    A man in jeans and white shirt is sexy or watching a man working on his bike and letting me help. :)
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  15. I try my best :frown:
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  16. I dont find sexy men on bikes either - I let them find me :eek:
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  17. [Belfast accent on] I know where you live [/Belfast accent off] :tongue:
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  18. it's a toss up between this

    #38 Char, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  19. and this

    #39 Char, Oct 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  20. :biggrin:
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