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Why ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Nov 16, 2013.

  1. The more you think about it the more you know that is right. Who in their right mind, in these days of heightened knowledge about the world and all it's creatures, would go out and hunt down an animal just to have a picture taken with it? Far braver surely, to pose beside a live one, or take part in the rearing and releasing of endangered animals driven to near extinction by twats such as this tart.

    I'm no great animal lover, friend of the earth or whatever, but to kill an innocent creature just because you can, or because you're wealthy enough to pay for the privelege, is sickening. Even worse though, is the thought that there are companies out there who breed animals for that sole purpose.
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  2. what a lowlife bitch....the ultimate turn off, a person who likes to kill animals for gratification..disgusting...and such a beautiful animal as a male lion...
    As if these animals dont struggle enough to survive, and then these murdering tourists are shipped in by the loathesome hunting companies to kill the 'game' upon who's deaths they profit...
    what a vile industry, and what a hateful woman...
    i can only hope that one day, the human race evolves itself from this barbarism....
    if she's such a tough bitch, then get in the boxing ring with someone, or if you insist on murdering unsuspecting wild animals, dont do it with a big fkn gun, gps, a landrover and air support...go in with a fkn spear.
    fkn cnut...i'd like to see her grinning head on a spike over someone's mantle.

    check out Kevin Richardson aka 'The Lion Man'...a person who spends his life trying to promote the well being and understanding of lions, and Africa's precious animals...(the animals that they seem so keen to murder out of existence)..

    The Lion Ranger - Attack Of The Teens (S01E02) - YouTube
    #22 funkyrimpler, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
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  3. Interesting link funky, I will watch it all the way through later.
  4. its part of a series John, other parts will probably appear in the side bar on you tube, he's a very famous campaigner in S.A for lions and hyenas etc and has a large nature reserve. watching the interaction between him and the animals is incredible..they treat him like one of the pride.
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  5. This is sickening beyond reproach, words fail me.
    #25 Greyman, Nov 17, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 17, 2013
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  6. This woman is living proof of how out of touch with reality some people actually are...
    If she had got to within 60 yards of that lion and taken some great photographs I would be impressed. As it is she is just a sad, sick, murdering bitch ! What possible reason is there for killing that lion ?
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  7. to prove how cool and tough she is of course...and show all the other dumb, retarded, pondlife slimeballs how wonderful and sexy, and lara croft like she is...
    she's an appalling excuse for a human, and so is anyone else advocates killing for pleasure...if they really want the thrill of the hunt, they should all go out into the wilderness and play Capture the Flag in two teams, shooting to kill each other...but they havent got the balls for that...no...its better to go out and kill the top predator and bask in the knowledge that really it is you, who is the top predator..assuming you have a landrover, telescopic sights, a big gun and a fair bit of distance.

    my opinion of hunters is something akin to my opinion of child molesters.
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  8. Totally with you on that.

    She described the animal as "beautiful".
    Shame she couldn't appreciate it was more beautiful whilst it was alive.
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  9. +1

    and she's so dim witted that she can't fathom that the King of the Jungle (whom she tamed of course, and is, therefore better than) had a life of his own..just being a Lion...probably a moody git, or as soft as grease within his pride..who knows? He would have had a personality and been a part of something....just doing Lion stuff.....until she killed him....he was probably asleep..no, thats not a big enough thrill....he was probably having a wander around beneath a tree being lazy...

    What does she know of the species or care? Not enough evidently..just on some narrow minded ego trip, proudly working out her inferiority complex.

    She's so dim witted she probably thought to herself,"I'd bedder go git me a big lyun bafower theyall becurm extinct''..

    and you just KNOW that she's a christian..
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  10. Can you imagine David Attenborough doing this???!!! How has this woman been getting away with this all this time??? Seriously!

    What's worse are the utter utter bastards that sanction this shit and the total fuckin moronic half-witted mindless cocksucking retards that actually watch it as entertainment.

    I had no idea such a thing was allowed to happen until I read this post. I am fucking furious.

    Melissa Bachman - YouTube
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  11. why not make money doing what Kevin Richardson does, and that's charge people to volunteer to visit and work in the nature reserve..this gives them a rare opportunity to interact with the lions and other animals, and also be part of the conservation process.
    ironically, these reserves wouldn't exist if it wasn't due to hunting.
    As a species, when we will learn?

    Sarah Palin, she's another dim witted pro hunting bitch.
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  12. stupid fuckin bitch , let the animals have their revenge ,strip the bitch ,bend her over a forty gallon drum , spray pheromones over her arse and stick her out in a field full of horny wildebeasts.
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  13. Have you been thinking hard about this one Peter ?
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  14. Yep, she is an idiot. End of
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  15. She is just a small step from a small boy with a magnifying glass on a sunny day burning the ants and other insects that he can find. The difference is that the small boy has youth and inexperience to explain his ignorant cruelty
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  16. She need a rifle ramming right up her arris. Then discharging........................
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  17. Fig will oblige I'm sure...
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  18. Obviously. But in this young lady's case I'd be happier to smash her head in with the butt end of the rifle. See how she likes the hunt.
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  19. :eek:
    OOHHPPS that'd be me back in the day , you'd better prepare that forty gallon drum and stick me out there with her.
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