thats a broad brush statement there mate....half the world would yanks, assuies etc??? mmmm completely agree with you that its barbaric and a waste...not really sporting either...big bore rifle gives her a huge advantage...
Totally agree. From my username, you may guess i do like a bit of shooting, but I come from a rural background where farms have pests like rats, rabbits & pigeons which cause damage and need to be shot humanely. And then having been bought up not to waste anything, a nice pie or stew is usually made with the rabbits & pigeons. Nothing is shot just for the sake of it, or just for a bit of fun. Anyone shooting animals like lions, elephants etc for "fun" make me sick and I dont agree with that. If i want to shoot for "fun" then I go down the local clay pigeon or rifle range where I can have loads of fun testing my skill & abilities by shooting targets without killing things for the sake of it.
I can't see any kind of issue with shooting stuff you're likely to eat or wear (alligator might be a bit extravagant...). Rabbits, cows, chickens, maybe the odd horse in Tesco's case...they all get deaded for a reason, either food or clothing, and I'm fine with that. My mate makes a wiked pigeon curry. But when was the last time you had a crocodile vindaloo, or wore a lionskin coat to the pictures..? Maybe the indiginous people shoot the shit out of lions and tigers for grub and loafers, but we don't get to hear about it. I dunno. But to go to a game reserve where the 'wildlife' is bred within compound to be shot in a safe environment (i.e. not even giving the buggers a sporting chance) is just plain sick.
I had crocodile in a restaurant a couple of months ago, while another had ostriche. So if she ate the lion its ok then? For me its not but sounds like an easy justification for me. As an aside, do people eat lion, tiger, hyena, elephant?
That stupid fish is burying his head in the sand does he think pretending will make it all go away. Silly cod
While I don't like the glorification of the killing of a Lion, I think you are all missing an important point, the Lion was probably shot on a reserve, and was selected for culling to control over population, she has paid a huge amount to be able to shoot it, this money and other money she will have spent in the area will help to pay for the up-keep of the reserve and protection of other animals, plus contribute to local employment etc. So it's not all bad, and is a common practice the world over.
Is that the case, though? Or, as has already been said here, was the lion bred specially for hunting? There's a big difference.
You raise an interesting point Dave. On the plains the lion is one of the top predators and nature will maintain some kind of balance. However I would make a distinction between a true wildlife reserve and a hunting reserve, where animals are bred to be shot and is run for profit. The complaint I have is the obvious pride and pleasure that this woman has gained from killing a beautiful animal in its prime. No doubt there are parts of the world where the sex trade provides employment and helps the local economy but it doesn't make it right.
That link shocked me. I just find these morons incomprehensible. Anyone who feels such happiness and glee from slotting an innocent beast with a large bore rifle from a safe distance is beyond me. Typical gobshite yank bitch. This is not hunting, its murdering. I am pleased with the responses on this thread though.
I actually find it quite refreshing to have a thread on here involving an attractive young woman, without anybody wanting to smash her back doors in.:smile: