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Will Marquez Return

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Wassy, Jan 27, 2021.


Will Marquez return

Poll closed Feb 3, 2021.
  1. Yes and he’ll win again

    27 vote(s)
  2. Yes but he won’t be the rider he was

    19 vote(s)
  3. No the injury is career ending unfortunately

    9 vote(s)
  1. Hate to see anyone's career ended by injury, Foggy, Falappa, but from the medical reports and the candid Honda press releases it sounds as if the arm will never be as strong again. If he can ride again great. The risk of major damage or not being as committed as he was pre accident will affect his riding for sure. Racers are wired differently. Last season was the most exciting GP racing for years. Let's hope it continues to be multiple winners and entertaining rather than the procession it had become.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  2. Yes, there is going to be a huge psychological struggle going on in his head if MM does return. He rode and crashed as if he was invincible. Now he has found out that he breaks and bleeds just like any of us and I don’t care what anyone says, he will always have the question “what if I do crash?” gnawing away.

    On the question of “special” tyres, yes, Rossi did have different tyres at one stage but let’s not forget that he was not the only one riding around on trick rubber. There were a few riders in other teams enjoying different rubber. They may not necessarily have been stickier but they were certainly better at containing the abuse put through to the road.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Has he started training on track yet?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. i would be more than happy to see him not sign ,he has had it all his own way for to long,
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Certainly been a long job
  6. 3 ops and bone infection? That is going to leave a weakness no matter what degree of fitness or age. I had a torn calf muscle at 21 years young, get grief now at ..years old! Ok, I did not have a repair op or physio, that would have made a difference. But now got to think he has an up hill struggle.
    Good luck to him though. It was bit boring without him last year.
    It took Simmo a few years back to inject some life.
  7. New videos of Marc Marquez and Alberto Puig on the MotoGP web site talking about recovery progress and possible return. Don’t hold your breath, Marquez talks about progress being measured on a weekly basis with no end date to be back in competition. Alberto just says he is sure MM will be back and competitive, when he is ready. Andy
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