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Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Major, May 31, 2013.

  1. Rose` White Vodka Corona Sol .......Red

    HIC hic-up !!!!
  2. Wet wine.
  3. Any white from the Alsace region, particularly a Zorbing from Austria or at the other end of the scale, rubbish Australian white grape boxed paint stripper; guaranteed to grow hair on a billiard ball :)
  4. Oh we'll it really depends, I like all types of wine, I have periods where ill just drink a particular type of wine like Rioja, borolo, or Pinot, tonight I did a BBQ and enjoyed lovely italian Barrua red wine. Then after some apero and prosseco on ice with a slice of orange.

    So it really depends on the evening. Bla bla bla. That's all folks!
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