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Winter Cocoon

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Old rider, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Dude... You can't be a peasant with a 916... The worlds most beautiful motorcycle.. 12 years in a row!
    When I ride the 998s I get young girls (16+) smile at me...so I always a dark or mirrored visor...don't want to scare them.
  2. Still riding mine, wash down with cold water then a bit of acf50, looking good but only had one bout of gritting with salt _ so far!
  3. Unwrapped today and she was looking lovely and dry with no sign of condensation. Emptied a couple of cupfuls out of the dehumidifier and turned on the ignition. The engine temp read 10 degrees, which I was pleased with as the ambient was 6. However, the 10 didn't drop during the course of fitting some Progrips, so I'm wondering if 10 is the minimum on the gauge. Anybody know??
  4. What bike is it?
  5. 03 999
  6. Sorry, no idea. My MTS1200 can read into the minus centigrade.
  7. Posted this on a previous thread, thought it maybe of interest:
    Just wanted to post something about the Bike Bubble storage thingy. They’re excellent and can personally verify that they most definitely do what they’re meant to, i.e. keep the bike clean & dry. They’re not cheap that’s for sure but they’re made from good quality materials, have a built in filtered fan which is powered by a unit that also acts as a battery optimiser.
    I bought one several years ago for a bike I’d bought as an investment and wanted to store in my parents garage who live right on the south coast so damp salty air can be a real issue year round. When I originally collected the bike it was a cold and wet winter’s day, I left in the van overnight and drove to my parents the following morning. When I took the bike out of the van it was dripping in condensation, I put it in the bubble, connected it up and opened the vent as per the instructions. Buy the following morning the bike was bone dry so it was cleaned & given a liberal coat of AFC-50, the top was zipped up, vent closed. The bubble kept it clean & dry for the next 5yrs and the battery was still alive too.
    FYI, I’m not connected to or have any affiliation to the company in anyway.
    Carcoon Bikebubble
    • Useful Useful x 1
  8. Brilliant....this is the one I couldn't find the link for?
  9. Funny enough I live less than a mile from the sea, more like half a mile as the seagull flies, and have several times been told this is one of my issues and leads to corrosion. I still maintain tho that none of my bikes have gone like the multi, and yet I have always ridden year round and have cleaned this one more than any other
  10. I've had the PP 3 months and 4,000 miles....err....still not washed it!
    • Like Like x 1
  11. What I don't understand about these is how they avoid condensation, when they just blow ambient air around inside the bubble. If you have damp, salt laden air outside, why not inside??
    #132 Old rider, Dec 27, 2014
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2015
  12. They re circulate air and have carbon filters so it doesn't flow ambient air from the room - having read the link for about 30 seconds this is all I know ;-)
  13. Yep, that pretty much covers it (see what I did there :smile:), I haggled on the price plus got a spare filter kit & a can of their version of ACF-50 thrown in. They seem expensive but (in my experience) do exactly what they claim to.
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