Winter is boring!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by RadiheadR6, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Get yerself a project bike, a heater and a decent radio.

    Here's an easy one for a beginner...
  2. £1800 starting bid? Some people have a massive sense of humour :biggrin:
  3. :eek::biggrin:
  4. IMAGE_018.jpg

    another vote for Dirt bikes.....but i've had to start riding my mtb more to get fit enough to ride offroad on the xr!!

  5. I can't tell Storck from butter.
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  6. Badoom tsh.........he's here all week :wink:
  7. Oooo Funky, mate.
    I've missed your birthday.
    I hope it was exciting and that you did all sorts of things I wouldn't do.

    Happy belated birthday!
  8. Winter is for skiing :upyeah:
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  9. Is that a flat front or did you just ride through a cow pat!

  10. cheers love
  11. not a flat, that was some seriously muddy mud....
  12. Apologies Funkster. I missed this too. Happy belated birthday you old goat :smile:
  13. Happy belated birthday funky
    Did you enjoy your walk :)
  14. I hope it was a good one!
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  15. Happy belated Birthday! :)
  16. Ive just noticed your little edit. I'd rather think of Si in that way if its all the same
  17. Have all you guys wrapped up your bikes already ok its cold but there have been some good dry and sunny days this is the longest run in to winter we have had in years. Still some good ride out days to brush off the winter blues. Wrap up and get out there.
  18. yeah it was okay, but put some more soap on yer tits next time

    oh, i mean, yes, had a lovely stroll thanks..
  19. too many leaves on the line to enjoy a superbike...never mind being able to get the tyres anywhere near up to bitches are tucked up under blankets..
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  20. She doesn't put enough on for me either :frown:
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