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Wood Fired Electricity Generators For Domestic Use

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Zhed46, May 7, 2020.

  1. He has. But then he gorges himself on salmon and goat’s milk every day so it’s no wonder. As he is quite short haired, you can see that he’s also in superb shape, like a racehorse, and he is getting very strong too. He looks a bit incongruous tbh as he has this pitbull-esque musculature but it’s combined with a pretty and effeminate face and a gentle, affectionate character. He’s also a bit of a wuss around other dogs, the low point of which came a couple of weeks ago when he ran away whimpering in fear after a Miniature Dachshund came over to say hello to him. :laughing: I’m sure at some point he will work out that he’s a dog and not a human and gain a bit more confidence around canines.


    Two days after we got him (8 wks + 1 day)


    That was just a week later and you can see that he’s already grown a fair bit and become more “dog like”.
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  2. dogs and cats love the open fire dont they.
    maybe a dog tread mill fitted with a dynamo just place far enough away from the fire so as to act like a carrot..
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