True, but it is in common english usage (well I use it anyway). There are many words in english that are taken from foreign langauges. Hotel, metro, lager are three that come to mind. Would you claim they are not the King's english? What I dislike is American spelling of English words, such as color, labor, humor. As wordle is now owned by the NYT, I guess we will just have to put up with that.
I doubt NYT will go to the expense of editing the 2,000 or so library used by the game and guess that the odd mistake we come across is due to the Brit author living and working in NY. As for the word in question, yes it is borrowed from another language, but not like wot it is writ, slang.
If you go back far enough I doubt there will be many of us who’s roots originate in the country in which we currently reside.